Just wanted to bring one of the systems that I developed for the book to everybody’s attention. This is a simple system that puts on two contracts and peels one off after a certain profit and then lets the other one ride. Its a mini-Russell system. Full code is disclosed in the book – source code can be imported into other applications. The object of this code is to demonstrate multiple contracts and money management techniques. Remember –
This Code Uses A Loop To Calculate Buy/Sell Levels Based on Current Position
Instead of doing this:
if currentshares = LTT then begin buy("B-20A.5") LTT shares next bar highest(h,20)[BB] + (0.5*N) or higher; buy("B-20A 1") LTT shares next bar highest(h,20)[BB] + (1.0*N) or higher; buy("B-20A1.5") LTT shares next bar highest(h,20)[BB]+ (1.5*N) or higher; end; if currentshares = LTT * 2 then begin buy("B-20B 1") LTT shares next bar highest(h,20)[BB] + (1.0*N) or higher; buy("B-20B1.5") LTT shares next bar highest(h,20)[BB] + (1.5*N) or higher; end; if currentshares = LTT * 3 then buy("B-20C1.5") LTT shares next bar highest(h,20)[BB] + (1.5*N) or higher; end;
Just do this:
for iCnt = 0 to 3 begin if lastTradeLoser then begin if mp <> -1 and currentContracts = iCnt * lotSize then begin buyPrice = hh20 + iCnt * N/2; end; end; end; if lastTradeLoser then begin if currentContracts < 4 * lotsize then Buy ("Turtle20Buy") lotSize contracts next bar at buyPrice stop; end;
Instead of having multiple buy orders at different levels -simply change your buy levels using the for-next loop and issue just one order. Only problem is you can only issue one buy order per bar. Whereas the former approach will place multiple orders for the next bar. Usually this will not cause a problem unless your buy/sell levels are very close. The use of the for-next loop is up to one's own programming style. I like the for-next loop.
A For-Loop to Calculate Different Buy/Sell Levels – Turtle Style
Can you figure out what this is doing?
for iCnt = 0 to 3 begin if lastTradeLoser then begin if mp <> -1 and currentContracts = iCnt * lotSize then begin buyPrice = hh20 + iCnt * N/2; end; if mp <> 1 and currentContracts = iCnt * lotSize then begin sellPrice = ll20 - iCnt * N/2; end; virTmp = 0; end; if lastTradeLoser = false then begin if mp <> -1 and currentContracts = iCnt * lotSize then begin buyPrice = hh55 + iCnt * N/2; end; if mp <> 1 and currentContracts = iCnt * lotSize then begin sellPrice = ll55 - iCnt * N/2; end; virTmp = 0; end; end;
Most EasyLanguage code is compatible with MultiCharts
MultiCharts is a very powerful program that can be purchased outright and seems to be very compatible with EasyLanguage. Their software requires a third-party data feed or ASCII data.
Recent Last Trade Was Loser Filter Example
This just happened recently in the bond market. The LastTradeLoser filter prevented the Turtle 20 bar low entry from occurring. As you can see from the prior trade – it was a winner.
Using Virtual Trading Functions to Create Last Trade Loser Filter
The following code uses our new functions to synthetically keep track of our trading to determine when to enter a new trade. The Turtle System only took trades after a losing trade took place. Even with the Virtual Trade functions you still need to keep track of whether the entries/exits generated a profitable trade. It simple enough to track the real trades – compare the entries/exits when a the market position changes.
inputs: absEntryChanLen(55),entryChanlen(20),exitChanLen(10),lastTradeLoserFilter(false); vars:lastTradeLoser(true),mp(0),virtmp(0),tradeProfit(0),virtBuyPrice(0),virtSellPrice(0), myFillPrice(0); mp = marketPosition; If mp <> 1 and mp[1] = 1 then Begin tradeProfit = ExitPrice(1) - EntryPrice(1); If tradeProfit > 0 then lastTradeLoser = false; print(date," Long Trader ",tradeProfit); end; If mp <> -1 and mp[1] = -1 then Begin tradeProfit = EntryPrice(1) - ExitPrice(1); If tradeProfit > 0 then lastTradeLoser = false; print(date," Short Trader ",tradeProfit," ",lastTradeLoser); end; If lastTradeLoserFilter = False then lastTradeLoser = True; If lastTradeLoser = False then Begin print(date," In Virtual Section And VirtTmp = ",virTmp); If(virtmp = 1) then Begin if(virtualLongExit(lowest(low[1],exitChanLen),1,myFillPrice) =1) then Begin tradeProfit = myFillPrice - virtBuyPrice; If tradeProfit < 0 then lastTradeLoser = true; virtmp = 0; end; end; If(virtmp = -1) then Begin if(virtualShortExit(highest(high[1],exitChanLen),1,myFillPrice) =1) then Begin tradeProfit = virtSellPrice - myFillPrice; If tradeProfit < 0 then lastTradeLoser = true; virtmp = 0; end; end; if(virtualBuy(highest(high[1],entryChanLen),1,myFillPrice) = 1) then Begin if virtmp <> 1 then begin virtBuyPrice = myFillPrice; virtmp = 1; tradeProfit = 0; If virtmp[1] = -1 then tradeProfit = virtSellPrice - virtBuyPrice; If tradeProfit < 0 then lastTradeLoser = true; end; end; if(virtualSell(lowest(low[1],entryChanLen),1,myFillPrice) = 1) then Begin if virtmp <> -1 then begin virtsellPrice = myFillPrice; virtmp = -1; tradeProfit = 0; If virtmp[1] = 1 then tradeProfit = virtBuyPrice - virtSellPrice; If tradeProfit < 0 then lastTradeLoser = true; end; end; print("End of Virtual Module : virTmp = ",virTmp); end;
Replicate Turtle Trading by Creating Virtual Trade Functionality
My next little project is to create an EasyLanguage extender by creating a virtual trading function. The Turtle System always waits until a losing trade prior to taking a new trade. In EasyLanguage this doesn’t exist. This is similar to my Ghost Trader in Building Winning Trading Systems with TradeStation (1st and 2nd edition.)
In order to virtualize theoretical positions you must have the ability to enter/exit long/short positions. To carry this out we will create four functions:
Information will need to be passed back and forth between the call program and the functions. Here is the template of the virtualBuy:
Inputs: price(numericSimple),orderType(numericSimple),fillPrice(numericRef); {Function to see if a virtual buy order was filled - we are passing the entry price, orderType [stop,limit,market] and we will reply with with true or false and the fill price. orderType: 1 - Stop 2 - Limit 3 - Market} VirtualBuy = 0; Switch(orderType) Begin Case 1: If high >= price then Begin fillPrice = maxList(open,price); {check for gap open} VirtualBuy = 1; end; Case 2: If low < price then Begin fillPrice = minList(open,price); {check for gap open} VirtualBuy = 1; end; Case 3: Begin fillPrice = open; VirtualBuy = 1; end; Default: fillPrice = 999999; VirtualBuy = 0; End;
Using CMI with Turtle Approach
Here is a nice little function that helps determine market choppiness. This function measures the actual distance the market moves against the total distance traveled. If the market starts in the lower left of your chart and moves, without much gyrations, to the upper right then the CMI will reflect a higher value. However if the market moves frantically around the chart and doesn’t achieve a great distance from the initial to the end points then the CMI will reflect a lower number.
Inputs: periodLength(NumericSimple); Vars: num(0),denom(1); if(periodLength<>0)then begin denom = Highest(High,periodLength) - Lowest(Low,periodLength); num =Close[periodLength - 1]- Close; num = AbsValue(num); if (denom <> 0) then ChoppyMarketIndex = num/denom * 100; end;
You can use the CMI function to help determine when you should follow a Turtle style break out. If the market has been trading in a range and you get a break out it might just carry a little more validity. Buying/Selling at really high/low prices may lead to false break outs.