This system has been around for several years. Its based on the belief that fund managers start pouring money into the market near the end of the month and this creates momentum that lasts for just a few days. The original system states to enter the market on the close of the last bar of the day if the its above a certain moving average value. In the Jaekle and Tomasini book, the authors describe such a trading system. Its quite simple, enter on the close of the month if its greater than X-Day moving average and exit either 4 days later or if during the trade the closing price drops below the X-Day moving average.
EasyLanguage or Multi-Charts Version
Determining the end of the month should be quite easy -right? Well if you want to use EasyLanguage on TradeStation and I think on Multi-Charts you can’t sneak a peek at the next bar’s open to determine if the current bar is the last bar of the month. You can try, but you will receive an error message that you can’t mix this bar on close with next bar. In other words you can’t take action on today’s close if tomorrow’s bar is the first day of the month. This is designed, I think, to prevent from future leak or cheating. In TradeStation the shift from backtesting to trading is designed to be a no brainer, but this does provide some obstacles when you only want to do a backtest.
LDOM function – last day of month for past 15 years or so
So I had to create a LastDayOfMonth function. At first I thought if the day of the month is the 31st then it is definitely the last bar of the month. And this is the case no matter what. And if its the 30th then its the last day of the month too if the month is April, June, Sept, and November. But what happens if the last day of the month falls on a weekend. Then if its the 28th and its a Friday and the month is blah, blah, blah. What about February? To save time here is the code:
// 29th of the month and a Friday if theDayOfMonth = 29 and theDayOfWeek = 5 then endOfMonth = True; // 30th of the month and a Friday if theDayOfMonth = 30 and theDayOfWeek = 5 then endOfMonth = True; // 31st of the month if theDayOfMonth = 31 then endOfMonth = True; // 30th of the month and April, June, Sept, or Nov if theDayOfMonth = 30 and (theMonth=4 or theMonth=6 or theMonth=9 or theMonth=11) then endOfMonth = True; // 28th of the month and February and not leap year if theDayOfMonth = 28 and theMonth = 2 and not(isLeapYear) then endOfMonth = True; // 29th of the month and February and a leap year or 28th, 27th and a Friday if theMonth = 2 and isLeapYear then Begin If theDayOfMonth = 29 or ((theDayOfMonth = 28 or theDayOfMonth = 27) and theDayOfWeek = 5) then endOfMonth = True; end; // 28th of the month and Friday and April, June, Sept, or Nov if theDayOfMonth = 28 and (theMonth = 4 or theMonth = 6 or theMonth = 9 or theMonth =11) and theDayOfWeek = 5 then endOfMonth = True; // 27th, 28th of Feb and Friday if theMonth = 2 and theDayOfWeek = 5 and theDayOfMonth = 27 then endOfMonth = True; // 26th of Feb and Friday and not LeapYear if theMonth = 2 and theDayOfWeek = 5 and theDayOfMonth = 26 and not(isLeapYear) then endOfMonth = True; // Memorial day adjustment If theMonth = 5 and theDayOfWeek = 5 and theDayOfMonth = 28 then endOfMonth = True; //Easter 2013 adjustment If theMonth = 3 and year(d) = 113 and theDayOfMonth = 28 then endOfMonth = True; //Easter 2018 adjustment If theMonth = 3 and year(d) = 118 and theDayOfMonth = 29 then endOfMonth = True;
if endOfMonth and c > average(c,movAvgPeriods) then Buy("BuyDay") this bar on close;
If C <average(c,movAvgPeriods) then Sell("MovAvgExit") this bar on close; If BarsSinceEntry=4 then Sell("4days") this bar on close;
Last Day Of Month Function and Strategy
All the code is generic except for the hard code for days that are a consequence of Good Friday.
All this code because I couldn’t sneak a peek at the date of tomorrow. Here are the results of trading the ES futures sans execution costs for the past 15 years.
Last Day Of Month Buy If C > 50 Day Mavg
What if it did the easy way and executed the open of the first bar of the month.
If c > average(c,50) and month(d) <> month(d of tomorrow) then buy next bar at open;
If barsSinceEntry >=3 then sell next bar at open;
If marketPosition = 1 and c < average(c,50) then sell next bar at open;
Buy First Day Of Month
First Day of Month If C > 50 Day Mavg
The results aren’t as good but it sure was easier to program.
TradingSimula-18 Version
Since you can use daily bars we can test this with my TradingSimula-18 Python platform. And we will execute on the close of the month. Here is the snippet of code that you have to concern yourself with. Here I am using Sublime Text and utilizing their text collapsing tool to hide non-user code:
Small Snippet of TS-18 Code
This was easy to program in TS-18 because I do allow Future Leak – in other words I will let you sneak a peek at tomorrow’s values and make a decision today. Now many people might say this is a huge boo-boo, but with great power comes great responsibility. If you go in with eyes wide open, then you will only use the data to make things easier or even doable, but without cheating. Because you are only going to cheat yourself. Its in your best interest do follow the rules. Here is the line that let’s you leak into the future.
If isNewMonth(myDate[curBar+1])
The curBar is today and curBar+1 is tomorrow. So I am saying if tomorrow is the first day of the month then buy today’s close. Here you are leaking into the future but not taking advantage of it. We all know if today is the last day of the month, but try explaining that to a computer. You saw the EasyLanguage code. So things are made easier with future leak, but not taking advantage of .
Here is a quick video of running the TS-18 Module of 4 different markets.
Many Times It Takes Multiple Tools to Get the Job Done
Just like a mechanic, a Quant needs tools to accomplish many programming tasks. In this post, I use a toolbox to construct an EasyLanguage function that will test a date and determine if it is considered a Holiday in the eyes of the NYSE.
Why a Holiday Function?
TradeStation will pump holiday data into a chart and then later go back and take it out of the database. Many times the data will only be removed from the daily database, but still persist in the intraday database. Many mechanical day traders don’t want to trade on a shortened holiday session or use the data for indicator/signal calculations. Here is an example of a gold chart reflecting President’s Day data in the intra-day data and not in the daily.
Holiday Data Throws A Monkey Wrench Into the Works
This affects many stock index day traders. Especially if automation is turned on. At the end of this post I provide a link to my youTube channel for a complete tutorial on the use of these tools to accomplish this task. It goes along with this post.
First Get The Data
I searched the web for a list of historical holiday dates and came across this:
Historic List of Holidays and Their Dates
You might be able to find this in a easier to use format, but this was perfect for this post.
Extract Data with Beautiful Soup
Here is where Python and the plethora of its libraries come in handy. I used pip to install the requests and the bs4 libraries. If this sounds like Latin to you drop me an email and I will shoot you some instructions on how to install these libraries. If you have Python, then you have the download/install tool known as pip.
Here is the Python code. Don’t worry it is quite short.
url = '' page = requests.get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(page.text,'html.parser') print(soup.title.text) all_tables = soup.findAll('table') #print (all_tables) print (len(all_tables)) #print (all_tables[0]) print("***") a = list() b = list() c = list() #print(all_tables[0].find_all('tr')[0].text) for numTables in range(len(all_tables)-1): for rows in all_tables[numTables].find_all('tr'): a.append(rows.find_all('td')[0].text) b.append(rows.find_all('td')[1].text)
for j in range(len(a)-1): print(a[j],"-",b[j])
Using Beautiful Soup to Extract Table Data
As you can see this is very simple code. First I set the variable url to the website where the holidays are located. I Googled on how to do this – another cool thing about Python – tons of users. I pulled the data from the website and stuffed it into the page object. The page object has several attributes (properties) and one of them is a text representation of the entire page. I pass this text to the BeautifulSoup library and inform it to parse it with the html.parser. In other words, prepare to extract certain values based on html tags. All_tables contains all of the tables that were parsed from the text file using Soup. Don’t worry how this works, as its not important, just use it as a tool. In my younger days as a programmer I would have delved into how this works, but it wouldn’t be worth the time because I just need the data to carry out my objective; this is one of the reasons classically trained programmers never pick up the object concept. Now that I have all the tables in a list I can loop through each row in each table. It looked liker there were 9 rows and 2 columns in the different sections of the website, but I didn’t know for sure so I just let the library figure this out for me. So I played around with the code and found out that the first two columns of the table contained the name of the holiday and the date of the holiday. So, I simply stuffed the text values of these columns in two lists: a and b. Finally I print out the contents of the two lists, separated by a hyphen, into the Interpreter window. At this point I could simply carry on with Python and create the EasyLanguage statements and fill in the data I need. But I wanted to play around with Excel in case readers didn’t want to go the Python route. I could have used a powerful editor such as NotePad++ to extract the data from the website in place of Python. GREP could have done this. GREP is an editor tool to find and replace expressions in a text file.
Use Excel to Create Actual EasyLanguage – Really!
I created a new spreadsheet. I used Excel, but you could use any spreadsheet software. I first created a prototype of the code I would need to encapsulate the data into array structures. Here is what I want the code to look like:
Arrays: holidayName[300](""),holidayDate[300](0);
holidayName[1]="New Year's Day "; holidayDate[1]=19900101;
Code Prototype
This is just the first few lines of the function prototype. But you can notice a repetitive pattern. The array names stay the same – the only values that change are the array elements and the array indices. Computers love repetitiveness. I can use this information a build a spreadsheet – take a look.
Type EasyLanguage Into the Columns and Fill Down!
I haven’t copied the data that I got out of Python just yet. That will be step 2. Column A has the first array name holidayName (notice I put the left square [ bracket in the column as well). Column B will contain the array index and this is a formula. Column C contains ]=”. Column D will contain the actual holiday name and Column E contains the ; These columns will build the holidayName array. Columns G throuh K will build the holidayDates array. Notice column H equals column B. So whatever we do to column B (Index) will be reflected in Column H (Index). So we have basically put all the parts of the EasyLanguage into Columns A thru K.
Excel provides tools for manipulating strings and text. I will use the Concat function to build my EasyLanguage. But before I can use Concat all the stuff I want to string together must be in a string or text format. The only column in the first five that is not a string is Column B. So the first thing I have to do is convert it to text. First copy the column and paste special as values. Then go to your Data Tab and select Text To Columns.
Text To Columns
It will ask if fixed width or delimited – I don’t think it matters which you pick. On step 3 select text.
Text To Columns – A Powerful Tool
The Text To Columns button will solve 90% of your formatting issues in Excel. Once you do this you will notice the numbers will be left justified – this signifies a text format. Now lets select another sheet in the workbook and past the holiday data.
Copy Holiday Data Into Another Spreadsheet
New Year's Day - January 1, 2021 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - January 18, 2021 Washington's Birthday (Presidents' Day) - February 15, 2021 Good Friday - April 2, 2021 Memorial Day - May 31, 2021 Independence Day - July 5, 2021 Labor Day - September 6, 2021 Thanksgiving - November 25, 2021 Christmas - December 24, 2021 New Year's Day - January 1, 2020 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - January 20, 2020 Washington's Birthday (Presidents' Day) - February 17, 2020 Good Friday - April 10, 2020 Memorial Day - May 25, 2020
Holiday Output
Data Is In Column A
Text To Columns to the rescue. Here I will separate the data with the “-” as delimiter and tell Excel to import the second column in Date format as MDY.
Text To Columns with “-” as the delimiter and MDY as Column B Format
Now once the data is split accordingly into two columns with the correct format – we need to convert the date column into a string.
Convert Date to a String
Now the last couple of steps are really easy. Once you have converted the date to a string, copy Column A and past into Column D from the first spreadsheet. Since this is text, you can simply copy and then paste. Now go back to Sheet 2 and copy Column C and paste special [values] in Column J on Sheet 1. All we need to do now is concatenate the strings in Columns A thru E for the EasyLanguage for the holidayName array. Columns G thru K will be concatenated for the holidayDate array. Take a look.
Concatenate all the strings to create the EasyLanguage
Now create a function in the EasyLanguage editor and name it IsHoliday and have it return a boolean value. Then all you need to do is copy/paste Columns F and L and the data from the website will now be available for you use. Here is a portion of the function code. Notice I declare the holidayNameStr as a stringRef? I did this so I could change the variable in the function and pass it back to the calling routine.
holidayName[1]="New Year's Day "; holidayDate[1]=19900101; holidayName[2]="Martin Luther King, Jr. Day "; holidayDate[2]=19900115; holidayName[3]="Washington's Birthday (Presidents' Day) "; holidayDate[3]=19900219; holidayName[4]="Good Friday "; holidayDate[4]=19900413; holidayName[5]="Memorial Day "; holidayDate[5]=19900528; holidayName[6]="Independence Day "; holidayDate[6]=19900704; holidayName[7]="Labor Day "; holidayDate[7]=19900903; holidayName[8]="Thanksgiving "; holidayDate[8]=19901122; holidayName[9]="New Year's Day "; holidayDate[9]=19910101; holidayName[10]="Martin Luther King, Jr. Day "; holidayDate[10]=19910121; holidayName[11]="Washington's Birthday (Presidents' Day) "; holidayDate[11]=19910218;
// There are 287 holiays in the database. // Here is the looping mechanism to compare the data that is passed // to the database
vars: j(0); IsHoliday = False; For j=1 to 287 Begin If testDate = holidayDate[j] - 19000000 then Begin holidayNameStr = holidayName[j] + " " + numToStr(holidayDate[j],0); IsHoliday = True; end; end;
A Snippet Of The Function - Including Header and Looping Mechanism
This was a pretty long tutorial and might be difficult to follow along. If you want to watch my video, then go to this link.
I created this post to demonstrate the need to have several tools at your disposal if you really want to become a Quant programmer. How you use those tools is up to you. Also you will be able to take bits and pieces out of this post and use in other ways to get the data you really need. I could have skipped the entire Excel portion of the post and just did everything in Python. But I know a lot of Quants that just love spreadsheets. You have to continually hone your craft in this business. And you can’t let one software application limit your creativity. If you have a problem always be on the lookout for alternative platforms and/or languages to help you solve it.
This book introduces my new Python back-tester, TradingSimula-18. It is completely and I mean completely self contained. All you need is the latest version of Python and you will be up and running trading systems in less than 5 minutes. Fifteen years of data on 30 futures is included (data from Quandl). I have included more than 20 scripts that you can test and build on. This back-tester is different than the one I published in the Ultimate Algorithmic Trading System Toolbox. It utilizes what I call the horizontal portfolio spanning paradigm. Instead of sequentially testing different markets in a portfoio:
It process data in the following manner:
This form of testing allows for decisions to be made on a portfolio basis at the end of any historic bar. Things like inputting portfolio performance into an allocation formula is super simple. However, this paradigm opens up a lot of different “what-if” scenarios.
What If I Limit 2 Markets Per Sector
What If I Turn Off A Certain Sector
What If I Liquidate The Largest OTE loser
What If I Liquidate The Largest OTE winner
What If I Only Trade The Ten Markets With The Highest ADX Values
All the data and market performance and portfolio performance is right at your fingertips. Your testing is only limited by your creativity.
The best part is you get to learn raw Python without having to install complicated libraries like SciKit, Numpy or Pandas. You don’t even need to install distributions of commercial products – like Anaconda. Don’t get me wrong I think Anaconda is awesome but many times it is overkill. If you want to do machine learning then that is the way to go. If you want to test simple Trend Following algorithms and make portfolio level decisions you don’t need a data science application.
There isn’t a complicated interface to learn. Its all command line driven from Python’s IDLE. 90% of the source code is revealed for the back-testing software. Its like one of those see-thru calculators. You see all the circuits and semiconductors, but in Python. So you will need to flow through the code to get to the sections that pertain to your test. Here is a small sample of how you set up the testing parameters for a Donchian Script.
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # If you want to ignore a bunch of non-eseential stuff then # S C R O L L A L M O S T H A L F W A Y D O W N #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - programmed by George Pruitt #Built on the code and ideas from "The Ultimate Algorithmic Tradins System T-Box" #Code is broken into sections #Most sections can and should be ignored #Each trading algorithm must be programmed with this template #This is the main entry into the platform #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Import Section - inlcude functions, classes, variables from external modules #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --- Do not change below here from getData import getData from equityDataClass import equityClass from tradeClass import tradeInfo from systemMarket import systemMarketClass from indicators import highest,lowest,rsiClass,stochClass,sAverage,bollingerBands from indicators import highest,lowest,rsiClass,stochClass,sAverage,bollingerBands,\ adxClass,sAverage2 from portfolio import portfolioClass from systemAnalytics import calcSystemResults from utilityFunctions import getDataAtribs,getDataLists,roundToNearestTick,calcTodaysOTE from utilityFunctions import setDataLists,removeDuplicates from portManager import portManagerClass,systemMarkTrackerClass from positionMatrixClass import positionMatrixClass from barCountCalc import barCountCalc
from sectorClass import sectorClass, parseSectors, numPosCurrentSector,getCurrentSector #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Pay no attention to these two functions - unless you want to #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def exitPos(myExitPrice,myExitDate,tempName,myCurShares): global tradeName,entryPrice,entryQuant,exitPrice,numShares,myBPV,cumuProfit if mp < 0: trades = tradeInfo('liqShort',myExitDate,tempName,myExitPrice,myCurShares,0) profit = trades.calcTradeProfit('liqShort',mp,entryPrice,myExitPrice,entryQuant,myCurShares) * myBPV profit = profit - myCurShares *commission;trades.tradeProfit = profit;cumuProfit += profit trades.cumuProfit = cumuProfit if mp > 0: trades = tradeInfo('liqLong',myExitDate,tempName,myExitPrice,myCurShares,0) profit = trades.calcTradeProfit('liqLong',mp,entryPrice,myExitPrice,entryQuant,myCurShares) * myBPV profit = profit - myCurShares * commission;trades.tradeProfit = profit;cumuProfit += profit trades.cumuProfit = cumuProfit curShares = 0 for remShares in range(0,len(entryQuant)):curShares += entryQuant[remShares] return (profit,trades,curShares)
def bookTrade(entryOrExit,lOrS,price,date,tradeName,shares): global mp,commission,totProfit,curShares,barsSinceEntry,listOfTrades global entryPrice,entryQuant,exitPrice,numShares,myBPV,cumuProfit if entryOrExit == -1: profit,trades,curShares = exitPos(price,date,tradeName,shares);mp = 0 else: profit = 0;curShares = curShares + shares;barsSinceEntry = 1;entryPrice.append(price);entryQuant.append(shares) if lOrS == 1:mp += 1;trades = tradeInfo('buy',date,tradeName,entryPrice[-1],shares,1) if lOrS ==-1:mp -= 1;trades = tradeInfo('sell',date,tradeName,entryPrice[-1],shares,1) return(profit,curShares,trades)
dataClassList = list()
marketMonitorList,masterDateList,masterDateGlob,entryPrice = ([] for i in range(4)) buy = entry = 1; sell = exit = -1; ignore = 0; entryQuant,exitQuant,trueRanges,myBPVList = ([] for i in range(4)) myComNameList,myMinMoveList,systemMarketList = ([] for i in range(3)) cond1,cond2,cond3,cond4 = ([] for i in range(4)) marketVal1,marketVal2,marketVal3,marketVal4 = ([] for i in range(4)) portManager = portManagerClass();marketList = getData();portfolio = portfolioClass() numMarkets = len(marketList);positionMatrix = positionMatrixClass();positionMatrix.numMarkets = numMarkets firstMarketLoop = True
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set up algo parameters here #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- startTestDate = 20100101 #must be in yyyymmdd stopTestDate = 20190228 #must be in yyyymmdd rampUp = 100 # need this minimum of bars to calculate indicators sysName = 'Donch-MAX2NSect' #System Name here initCapital = 500000 commission = 100
Ignore Most Of This Code
Everything is batched processed: set up, pick market or portfolio, run. Then examine all of the reports. Here is an example of the sector analysis report.
Total Profit Max DrawDown Currency ------------------------------- BP -14800 19062 SF -8600 53575 AD 4670 11480 DX 10180 10279 EC -9000 16775 JY 10025 18913 CD -19720 21830 ------------------------------------------- Totals: -27245 69223 ------------------------------------------- Energies ------------------------------- CL -40400 55830 HO 80197 23382 NG -14870 28920 RB -45429 61419 ------------------------------------------- Totals: -20502 75957 ------------------------------------------- Metals ------------------------------- GC 27210 36610 SI -1848 2389 HG -2402 2438 PL -16750 25030 PA 27230 38615 ------------------------------------------- Totals: 33440 61472 ------------------------------------------- Grains ------------------------------- S_ 27312 9088 W_ -25538 32600 C_ -1838 12212 BO -8460 9544 SM 390 11250 RR -1390 12060 ------------------------------------------- Totals: -9523 34135 ------------------------------------------- Financials ------------------------------- US 29488 18375 TY 969 12678 TU -2020 3397 FV -2616 4531 ED -4519 4869 ------------------------------------------- Totals: 21302 30178 ------------------------------------------- Softs ------------------------------- SB -1716 19717 KC 15475 44413 CC 540 8090 CT -8705 35660 LB 22269 16586 OJ 4720 8262 ------------------------------------------- Totals: 32583 57976 ------------------------------------------- Meats ------------------------------- LC -18910 24020 LH -31270 35640 FC 14600 25737 ------------------------------------------- Totals: -35580 59550 -------------------------------------------
Sector Analysis
Plus I include EasyLanguage for the majority of the scripts. Of course without the portfolio level management. I am working on a new website that will support the new book at
Please take a look at my latest book – it would make an awesome Christmas present.
Just a quick post here. I was asked how to keep track of the opening price for each time frame from our original Multi-Time Frame indicator and I was answering the question when I thought about modifying the indicator. This version keeps track of each discrete time frame. The original simply looked back a multiple of the base chart to gather the highest highs and lowest lows and then would do a simple calculation to determine the trend. So let’s say its 1430 on a five-minute bar and you are looking back at time frame 2. All I did was get the highest high and lowest low two bars back and stored that information as the high and low of time frame 2. Time frame 3 simply looked back three bars to gather that information. However if you tried to compare these values to a 10-minute or 15-minute chart they would not match.
In this version, I use the modulus function to determine the demarcation of each time frame. If I hit the border of the time frame I reset the open, high, low and carry that value over until I hit the next demarcation. All the while collecting the highest highs and lowest lows. In this model, I am working my way from left to right instead of right to left. And in doing so each time frame is discrete.
If condition10 then setPlotColor(1,Green) else SetPlotColor(1,Red); If condition11 then setPlotColor(2,Green) else SetPlotColor(2,Red); If condition12 then setPlotColor(3,Green) else SetPlotColor(3,Red); If condition13 then setPlotColor(4,Green) else SetPlotColor(4,Red); If condition14 then setPlotColor(5,Green) else SetPlotColor(5,Red);
condition6 = condition10 and condition11 and condition12 and condition13 and condition14; Condition7 = not(condition10) and not(condition11) and not(condition12) and not(condition13) and not(condition14);
If condition6 then setPlotColor(7,Green); If condition7 then setPlotColor(7,Red);
If condition6 or condition7 then plot7(7,"trend");
Last month’s post on using the elcollections dictionary was a little thin so I wanted to elaborate on it and also develop a trading system around the best patterns that are stored in the dictionary. The concept of the dictionary exists in most programming languages and almost all the time uses the (key)–>value model. Just like a regular dictionary a word or a key has a unique definition or value. In the last post, we stored the cumulative 3-day rate of return in keys that looked like “+ + – –” or “+ – – +“. We will build off this and create a trading system that finds the best pattern historically based on average return. Since its rather difficult to store serial data in a Dictionary I chose to use Wilder’s smoothing average function.
Ideally, I Would Have Liked to Use a Nested Dictionary
Initially, I played around with the idea of the pattern key pointing to another dictionary that contained not only the cumulative return but also the frequency that each pattern hit up. A dictionary is designed to have unique key–> to one value paradigm. Remember the keys are strings. I wanted to have unique key–> to multiple values. And you can do this but it’s rather complicated. If someone wants to do this and share, that would be great. AndroidMarvin has written an excellent manual on OOEL and it can be found on the TradeStation forums.
Ended Up Using A Dictionary With 2*Keys Plus an Array
So I didn’t want to take the time to figure out the nested dictionary approach or a vector of dictionaries – it gets deep quick. So following the dictionary paradigm I came up with the idea that words have synonyms and those definitions are related to the original word. So in addition to having keys like “+ + – -” or “- – + -” I added keys like “0”, “1” or “15”. For every + or – key string there exists a parallel key like “0” or “15”. Here is what it looks like:
– – – –
– – – +
– – + –
You can probably see the pattern here. Every “+” represents a 1 and every “0” represent 0 in a binary-based numbering system. In the + or – key I store the last value of Wilders average and in the numeric string equivalent, I store the frequency of the pattern.
Converting String Keys to Numbers [Back and Forth]
To use this pattern mapping I had to be able to convert the “++–” to a number and then to a string. I used the numeric string representation as a dictionary key and the number as an index into an array that store the pattern frequency. Here is the method I used for this conversion. Remember a method is just a function local to the analysis technique it is written.
//Lets convert the string to unique number method int convertPatternString2Num(string pattString) Vars: int pattLen, int idx, int pattNumber; begin pattLen = strLen(pattString); pattNumber = 0; For idx = pattLen-1 downto 0 Begin If MidStr(pattString,pattLen-idx,1) = "+" then pattNumber = pattNumber + power(2,idx); end; Return (pattNumber); end;
String Pattern to Number
This is a simple method that parses the string from left to right and if there is a “+” it is raised to the power(2,idx) where idx is the location of “+” in the string. So “+ + – – ” turns out to be 8 + 4 + 0 + 0 or 12.
Once I retrieve the number I used it to index into my array and increment the frequency count by one. And then store the frequency count in the correct slot in the dictionary.
patternNumber = convertPatternString2Num(patternString); //Keep track of pattern hits patternCountArray[patternNumber] = patternCountArray[patternNumber] + 1; //Convert pattern number to a string do use as a Dictionary Key patternStringNum = numToStr(patternNumber,2); //Populate the pattern number string key with the number of hits patternDict[patternStringNum] = patternCountArray[patternNumber] astype double;
Store Value In Array and Dictionary
Calculating Wilder’s Average Return and Storing in Dictionary
Once I have stored an instance of each pattern [16] and the frequency of each pattern[16] I calculate the average return of each pattern and store that in the dictionary as well.
//Calculate the percentage change after the displaced pattern hits Value1 = (c - c[2])/c[2]*100; //Populate the dictionary with 4 ("++--") day pattern and the percent change if patternDict.Contains(patternString) then Begin patternDict[patternString] = (patternDict[patternString] astype double * (patternDict[patternStringNum] astype double - 1.00) + Value1) / patternDict[patternStringNum] astype double; end Else begin patternDict[patternString] = value1; // print("Initiating: ",patternDict[patternString] astype double); end;
(pAvg * (N-1) + return) / N
When you extract a value from a collection you must us an identifier to expresses its data type or you will get an error message : patternDict[patternString] holds a double value {a real number} as well as patternDict[patternStringNum] – so I have to use the keyword asType. Once I do my calculation I ram the new value right back into the dictionary in the exact same slot. If the pattern string is not in the dictionary (first time), then the Else statement inserts the initial three-day rate of return.
Sort Through All of The Patterns and Find the Best!
The values in a dictionary are stored in alphabetic order and the string patterns are arranged in the first 16 keys. So I loop through those first sixteen keys and extract the highest return value as the “best pattern.”
// get the best pattern that produces the best average 3 bar return vars: hiPattRet(0),bestPattString(""); If patternDict.Count > 29 then Begin index = patternDict.Keys; values = patternDict.Values; hiPattRet = 0; For iCnt = 0 to 15 Begin If values[iCnt] astype double > hiPattRet then Begin hiPattRet = values[iCnt] astype double ; bestPattString = index[iCnt] astype string; end; end; // print(Date," BestPattString ",bestPattString," ",hiPattRet:8:4," CurrPattString ",currPattString); end;
Extract Best Pattern From All History
If Today’s Pattern Matches the Best Then Take the Trade
// if the current pattern matches the best pattern then bar next bar at open If currPattString = BestPattString then buy next bar at open; // cover in three days If barsSinceEntry > 2 then sell next bar at open;
Does Today Match the Best Pattern?
If today matches the best pattern then buy and cover after the second day.
I didn’t know if this code was worth proffering up but I decided to posit it because it contained a plethora of programming concepts: dictionary, method, string manipulation, and array. I am sure there is a much better way to write this code but at least this gets the point across.
var: patternTest(""),tempString(""),patternString(""),patternStringNum(""); var: patternNumber(0); var: iCnt(0),jCnt(0); //Lets convert the string to unique number method int convertPatternString2Num(string pattString) Vars: int pattLen, int idx, int pattNumber; begin pattLen = strLen(pattString); pattNumber = 0; For idx = pattLen-1 downto 0 Begin If MidStr(pattString,pattLen-idx,1) = "+" then pattNumber = pattNumber + power(2,idx); end; Return (pattNumber); end;
once begin clearprintlog; patternDict = new dictionary; index = new vector; values = new vector; end;
//Convert 4 day pattern displaced by 2 days patternString = ""; for iCnt = 5 downto 2 begin if(close[iCnt]> close[iCnt+1]) then begin patternString = patternString + "+"; end else begin patternString = patternString + "-"; end; end;
//What is the current 4 day pattern vars: currPattString(""); currPattString = "";
for iCnt = 3 downto 0 begin if(close[iCnt]> close[iCnt+1]) then begin currPattString = currPattString + "+"; end else begin currPattString = currPattString + "-"; end; end;
//Get displaced pattern number patternNumber = convertPatternString2Num(patternString); //Keep track of pattern hits patternCountArray[patternNumber] = patternCountArray[patternNumber] + 1; //Convert pattern number to a string do use as a Dictionary Key patternStringNum = numToStr(patternNumber,2); //Populate the pattern number string key with the number of hits patternDict[patternStringNum] = patternCountArray[patternNumber] astype double; //Calculate the percentage change after the displaced pattern hits Value1 = (c - c[2])/c[2]*100; //Populate the dictionary with 4 ("++--") day pattern and the percent change if patternDict.Contains(patternString) then Begin patternDict[patternString] = (patternDict[patternString] astype double * (patternDict[patternStringNum] astype double - 1.00) + Value1) / patternDict[patternStringNum] astype double; end Else begin patternDict[patternString] = value1; // print("Initiating: ",patternDict[patternString] astype double); end; // get the best pattern that produces the best average 3 bar return vars: hiPattRet(0),bestPattString(""); If patternDict.Count > 29 then Begin index = patternDict.Keys; values = patternDict.Values; hiPattRet = 0; For iCnt = 0 to 15 Begin If values[iCnt] astype double > hiPattRet then Begin hiPattRet = values[iCnt] astype double ; bestPattString = index[iCnt] astype string; end; end; // print(Date," BestPattString ",bestPattString," ",hiPattRet:8:4," CurrPattString ",currPattString); end; // if the current pattern matches the best pattern then bar next bar at open If currPattString = BestPattString then buy next bar at open; // cover in three days If barsSinceEntry > 2 then sell next bar at open;
A reader of this blog wanted to be able to use different time frames and some built-in indicators and output the information in a similar fashion as I did in the original MTF post. There are numerous ways to program this but the two easiest are to use data structures such as arrays or vectors or use TradeStation’s own multi data inputs. The more complicated of the two would be to use arrays and stay compliant with Multicharts. Or in that same vein use vectors and not stay compliant with Multicharts. I chose, for this post, the down and dirty yet compliant method. [NOTE HERE! When I started this post I didn’t realize it was going to take the turn I ended up with. Read thoroughly before playing around with the code to see that it is what you are really, really looking for.] I created a multi data chart with five-time frames: 5,10,15,30 and 60 minutes. I then hid data2 thru data5. I created an MTF indicator that plots the relationship of the five time frames applied to the ADX indicator with length 14. If the ADX > 20 then the plot will be green else it will be red. If all plots align, then the composite plot will reflect the alignment color.
Using the MTF indicator with ADX
{EasyLanguage MultiTime Frame Indicator) written by George Pruitt - copyright 2019 by George Pruitt }
adxData1 = adx(adxLen) of data1; adxData2 = adx(adxLen) of data2; adxData3 = adx(adxLen) of data3; adxData4 = adx(adxLen) of data4; adxData5 = adx(adxLen) of data5;
If condition10 then setPlotColor(1,Green) else SetPlotColor(1,Red); If condition11 then setPlotColor(2,Green) else SetPlotColor(2,Red); If condition12 then setPlotColor(3,Green) else SetPlotColor(3,Red); If condition13 then setPlotColor(4,Green) else SetPlotColor(4,Red); If condition14 then setPlotColor(5,Green) else SetPlotColor(5,Red);
condition6 = condition10 and condition11 and condition12 and condition13 and condition14; Condition7 = not(condition10) and not(condition11) and not(condition12) and not(condition13) and not(condition14);
If condition6 then setPlotColor(7,Green); If condition7 then setPlotColor(7,Red);
If condition6 or condition7 then plot7(7,"trend");
This code is very similar to the original MTF indicator, but here I simply pass a pointer to the different time frames to the ADX function. Since the ADX function only requires a length input I had assumed I could use the following format to get the result for each individual time frame:
adxData1 = adx(14) of data1;
adxData2 = adx(14) of data2;
This assumption worked out.
But are we really getting what we really, really want? I might be putting too much thought into this but of the five-time frame indicator dots, only the 5-minute will change on a 5-minute basis. The 10-min dot will stay the same for two 5-min bars. The dots will reflect the closing of the PRIOR time frame and the current 5-min bar is ignored in the calculation. This may be what you want, I will leave that up to you. Here is an illustration of the delay in the different time frames.
So when you look at each dot color remember to say to yourself – this is the result of the prior respective time frame’s closing price. You can say to yourself, “Okay this is the ADX of the current 5-minute bar and this is the ADX of the prior 10-minute close and this is the ADX of the prior 15 minutes close and so on and so on. We all know that the last 5 minutes will change all of the time frames closing tick, but it may or may not change the price extremes of those larger time frames. I will show you how to do this in the next post. If you want to see the impact of the last 5- minutes, then you must build your bars internally and dynamically.
I had a reader of the blog ask how to use Optimal F. That was really a great question. A few posts back I provided the OptimalFGeo function but didn’t demonstrate on how to use it for allocation purposes. In this post, I will do just that.
I Have Optimal F – Now What?
From Ralph Vince’s book, “Portfolio Management Formulas”, he states: “Once the highest f is found, it can readily be turned into a dollar amount by dividing the biggest loss by the negative optimal f. For example, if our biggest loss is $100 and our optimal f is 0.25, then -$100/ 0.25 = $400. In other words, we should bet 1 unit for every $400 we have in our stake.”
Convert Optimal F to dollars and then to number of shares
In my example strategy, I start out with an initial capital of $50,000 and allow reinvestment of profit or loss. The protective stop is set as 3 X ATR(10). A fixed $2000 profit objective is also utilized. The conversion form Optimal F to position size is illustrated by the following lines of code:
//keep track of biggest loss biggestLoss = minList(positionProfit(1),biggestLoss); //calculate the Optimal F with last 10 trades. OptF = OptimalFGeo(10); //reinvest profit or loss risk$ = initCapital$ + netProfit; //convert Optimal F to $$$ if OptF <> 0 then numShares = risk$ / (biggestLoss / (-1*OptF));
Code snippet - Optimal F to Position Size
Keep track of biggest loss
Calculate optimal F with OptimalFGeo function – minimum 10 trades
Calculate Risk$ by adding InitCapital to current NetProfit (Easylanguage keyword)
Calculate position size by dividing Risk$ by the quotient of biggest loss and (-1) Optimal F
I applied the Optimal F position sizing to a simple mean reversion algorithm where you buy on a break out in the direction of the 50-day moving average after a lower low occurs.
//keep track of biggest loss biggestLoss = minList(positionProfit(1),biggestLoss); //calculate the Optimal F with last 10 trades. OptF = OptimalFGeo(10); //reinvest profit or loss risk$ = initCapital$ + netProfit; //convert Optimal F to $$$ if OptF <> 0 then numShares = risk$ / (biggestLoss / (-1*OptF)); numShares = maxList(1,numShares); //if Optf <> 0 then print(d," ",t," ",risk$ / (biggestLoss / (-1*OptF))," ",biggestLoss," ",optF);
if c > average(c,50) and low < low[1] then Buy numShares shares next bar at open + .25* range stop;
setStopPosition; setProfitTarget(2000);
Strategy Using Optimal F
I have included the results below. At one time during the testing the number of contracts jumped up to 23. That is 23 mini Nasdaq futures ($20 * 7,300) * 23. That’s a lot of leverage and risk. Optimal doesn’t always mean the best risk mitigation. Please let me know if you find any errors in the code or in the logic.
Here is the ELD that incorporates the Strategy and the Function.USINGOPTIMALF
In Keith’s wonderful book, “Building Reliable Trading Sytems”, he reveals several algorithms that classify an instruments’ movement potential. In the part of the book that is titled Scoring by a Bar Type Criterion, he describes eight different two-day patterns that involve 3 different criteriaEight different Bar-Types
He looks at the relationship between today’s open and today’s close, today’s close and yesterday’s close, and today’s close in terms of the day’s range. Bar-Types 1 to 4 all have the close of today >= close of yesterday. Bar-Types 5 to 8 have close of today < close of yesterday.
I wanted to program this into my TradeStation and do some research to see if the concept is valid. In his book, Keith tested a lot of different stocks and commodities. In this post, I just test the ES, US, and Beans. This form of research can be used to enhance an existing entry technique.
Here is how I defined the eight different bar types:
array : barTypeArray[8](false);
midRange = (h + l)/2;
barTypeArray[0] = c >= c[1] and c > o and c >= midRange; barTypeArray[1] = c >= c[1] and c > o and c < midRange; barTypeArray[2] = c >= c[1] and c < o and c >= midRange; barTypeArray[3] = c >= c[1] and c < o and c < midRange; barTypeArray[4] = c < c[1] and c > o and c >= midRange; barTypeArray[5] = c < c[1] and c > o and c < midRange; barTypeArray[6] = c < c[1] and c < o and c >= midRange; barTypeArray[7] = c < c[1] and c < o and c <= midRange;
Defining Eight Different Bar Types
I used a brute force approach by creating an 8-element array of boolean values. Remember EasyLanguage uses a 0 index. If the two -day pattern matches one of the eight criteria I assign the element a true value. If it doesn’t match then a false value is assigned. I use an input value to tell the computer which pattern I am looking for. If I choose Bar-Type[0] and there is a true value in that array element then I take a trade. By providing this input I can optimize over all the different Bar-Types.
Input : BarTypeNumber(0), // which bar type buyOrSell(1), //1 to buy 2 to sell numDaysToHold(2); //how many days to hold position
For cnt = 0 to 7 //remember to start at 0 Begin If barTypeArray[cnt] = true then whichBarType = cnt; end;
If whichBarType = BarTypeNumber then begin if buyOrSell = 1 then buy this bar on close; if buyOrSell = 2 then sellshort this bar on close; end;
Loop Thru Array to find Bar Type
Here are some results of looping through all eight Bar-Types, Buy and Sell, and holding from 1 to 5 days.
ES – ten – year results – remember these are hypothetical results with no commission or slippage.
Here’s what the equity curve looks like. Wild swings lately!!
Keith was right – look at the Bar Category that bubbled to the top every time – the most counter-trend pattern. My Bar-Type Number 7 is the same as Keith’s 8. Here is the code in its entirety.
{Bar Scoring by Keith Fitschen from his book "Building Reliable Trading Systems" 2013 Wiley}
barTypeArray[0] = c >= c[1] and c > o and c >= midRange; barTypeArray[1] = c >= c[1] and c > o and c < midRange; barTypeArray[2] = c >= c[1] and c < o and c >= midRange; barTypeArray[3] = c >= c[1] and c < o and c < midRange; barTypeArray[4] = c < c[1] and c > o and c >= midRange; barTypeArray[5] = c < c[1] and c > o and c < midRange; barTypeArray[6] = c < c[1] and c < o and c >= midRange; barTypeArray[7] = c < c[1] and c < o and c <= midRange;
vars: whichBarType(0),cnt(0);
For cnt = 0 to 7 Begin If barTypeArray[cnt] = true then whichBarType = cnt; end;
If whichBarType = BarTypeNumber then begin if buyOrSell = 1 then buy this bar on close; if buyOrSell = 2 then sellshort this bar on close; end;
If barsSinceEntry = numDaysToHold then begin If marketPosition = 1 then sell this bar on close; If marketPosition =-1 then buytocover this bar on close; end;
Bar Scoring Example
Keith’s book is very well researched and written. Pick one up if you can find one under $500. I am not kidding. Check out Amazon.
Tired of Manipulating Arrays – Try a Vector and a Queue
An array like structure but are dynamic and have a plethora of tools at your disposal. Arrays are cool and can be multi-dimensional and can be easily manipulated. But they require a lot of forethought as to how much size to reserve for their implementation. Now don’t think this is going to be an advanced EasyLanguage tutorial, because it’s really not. Most of us TRS-80, Ti-99/4A, Vic-20 and Commodore 64 trained programmers of the early ’80s have not welcomed objects with open arms and that is really a mistake. In this sense we are like cavemen – we have all of the rudimentary tools at our disposal and can create some really cool stuff and we can really understand what we are doing. With time and effort, we can get to the same place as object-oriented programmers. We just don’t like the concept of using other’s tools as much as we like using ours. So if you aren’t classically trained in programming you may have an advantage when tieing into the objects of a programming language. This little tutorial is a very brief glimpse into a whole different world of programming. The beauty is you can combine “old school” programming with objects – even if you don’t understand how the objects are truly constructed. I want to introduce the concept of the Vector and the Queue- truly cool Swiss Army knives. First the vector. Let’s just jump into some of the code – it really is simple.
Object Instantiation – a long word for declaring variable:
Using elsystem.collections;
Vars: Vector opVector(NULL), Vector hiVector(Null), Vector loVector(Null), Vector clVector(Null), Vector barVector(Null), Queue timeStampQue(Null); Once Begin barVector = new Vector; opVector = new Vector; hiVector = new Vector; loVector = new Vector; clVector = new Vector; timeStampQue = new Queue; end;
Instantiating and Declaring Vectors and Queue
You have to tell EasyLanguage you want to use some of the tools in the elsystem.collections. You do this by simply tell it you are Using elsystem.collections. The word collections is a catch-all for a bunch of different types of data structures. Remember data structures are just programming constructs used to hold data – like an array. All the variables that you declare in EasyLanguage are arrays – you just aren’t really aware of it. When you index into them to get prior values then you become slightly aware of it. In this portion of code, I create five vectors and one queue and assign them the Null or an empty value. I just finished a programming gig where I had to build dynamically sized bars from the base data. Kind of like creating 15, 30, 60-minute bars from a 5-minute bar chart or stream. I did this using arrays because I wanted to be able to index into them to go back in time and I didn’t how far I wanted to go back. So I declared some arrays with large dimensions to be safe. This really takes a bite out of your resources which costs space and time. I had played with Vector like objects in Python, so I thought I would post about them here and show how cool they are. Remember this is a rudimentary program and could be streamlined and cleaned up. Each vector will store their respective time, open, high, low and close values of the combined bar. In a later post, I would like to do this with a Dictionary. So the opVector will hold the open price, the hiVector will hold the high price and so on.
Build a Queue – why the extra ue?
I want to build 15-minute bars from 5-minute bars so I need to know when to sample the data to properly collect the corresponding data. If I start at 9:30 then I want to sample the data at 9:45 and look back three bars to get the open and the highest high and the lowest low. The close will simply be the close of the 9:45 bar. I want to do this at 9:45, 10:00. 10:15 and so on. I could manipulate the time and use the modulus function to see if the minutes are multiples of 15 and I tried this but it didn’t work too well. So I thought since I was already in the collections why not build a list or a queue with all the timestamps I would need. This is how I did it.
Once Begin mins = fracPortion(t/100); combBarTimeInterval = barInterval*barMult; While value1 < endTime Begin cnt = cnt + 1; Value1 = calcTime(startTime,cnt*combBarTimeInterval); // print("Inside queue : ",Value1," ",cnt*combBarTimeInterval); timeStampQue.Enqueue(Value1); end; end;
Populating A Queue With Time Stamps
I simply use the CalcTime function to add 15-minute intervals to the start time and then I add them to the queue: timeStampQue.Enqueue(Value1); You access the methods or tools to a class by using the dot (” . “) notation. Once I instantiated or created the timeStampQue I gained access to all the tools that belong to that object. The Enqueue method simply appends the list the value that you pass it. I would have preferred the method to be labeled simply add. How did I figure out the right method name you ask? I accessed the Dictionary from the View menu in the TDE. Here is a picture to help:
I use the keyword Once to just execute the code one time. You could have said if BarNumber = 1, but why not use the tools at your disposal, I figured out the combBarTimeInterval by using the 5-minute bar multiplier (3). I then looped from startTime to endTime in 15-minute intervals and stored the timeStamps in the queue. So every time stamp I need is in the timeStampQue. All I need now is to compare the time of the 5-minute bar to the time stamps inside the queue. This is where using object really come in handy.
Queue Methods:
Old school would have looped through all of the elements in the list and compared them to the value I was seeking and if found it would return true. In the object world, I can simply ask the object itself to see if the value is in it:
condition1 = timeStampQue.Contains(t);
Cool! If condition1 is true then I know I am sitting on the 5-minute bar that shares the same timestamp as a 15-minute bar. If the time stamps are the same then I can start building the large timeframe from the lower timeframe. You add elements to a vector by using the insert method. I simply looked it up in the dictionary. I had to specify where to insert the value in the vector. I simply inserted each value into the [0] location. Remember we are inserting so everything else in the vector is moved down.
Vector Methods:
If condition1 then Begin barVector.insert(0,t); opVector.insert(0,open[2]); hiVector.insert(0,highest(h[0],3)); loVector.insert(0,lowest(l[0],3)); clVector.insert(0,close[0]); end;
Inserting Values at Vector Location 0
I only need to keep track of the last 10 15-minute bars, so once the vector count exceeded 10, I simply popped off the value at the back end – pop_back(). I figured this out by looking at Martin Whittaker’s awesome website –
If opVector.Count > 10 then begin barVector.pop_back(); opVector.pop_back(); hiVector.pop_back(); loVector.pop_back(); clVector.pop_back(); end;
Popping the Back-End
To check my work I printed the 15-minute bars on each 5-minute bar to make sure the bars were being built properly. These data structures expect an object to be inserted, added, popped so when you print out one of their values you have to tell the print statement what the object should be translated as. Here the keyword asType comes into play. Take a look at my code, and you will see what I mean. I hope this gets you excited about objects because the collections class can save you a ton of time and is really cool. Use it and you can brag that you are an OOP programmer at your next cocktail party.
Code Listing:
Using elsystem.collections;
Vars: Vector opVector(NULL), Vector hiVector(Null), Vector loVector(Null), Vector clVector(Null), Vector barVector(Null), Queue timeStampQue(Null); Once Begin barVector = new Vector; opVector = new Vector; hiVector = new Vector; loVector = new Vector; clVector = new Vector; timeStampQue = new Queue; end;
Once Begin mins = fracPortion(t/100); combBarTimeInterval = barInterval*barMult; While value1 < endTime Begin cnt = cnt + 1; Value1 = calcTime(startTime,cnt*combBarTimeInterval); // print("Inside queue : ",Value1," ",cnt*combBarTimeInterval); timeStampQue.Enqueue(Value1); end; end;
condition1 = timeStampQue.Contains(t);
Print(d," ",t," ",condition1);
If condition1 then Begin barVector.insert(0,t); opVector.insert(0,open[2]); hiVector.insert(0,highest(h[0],3)); loVector.insert(0,lowest(l[0],3)); clVector.insert(0,close[0]); end;
If opVector.Count > 10 then begin barVector.pop_back(); opVector.pop_back(); hiVector.pop_back(); loVector.pop_back(); clVector.pop_back(); end;
vars:vectCnt(0); print(d," ",t); If opVector.Count > 9 then Begin For vectCnt = 0 to 9 begin print(vectCnt," ", astype int," ", astype double," ", astype double," ", astype double," ", astype double); end; end;
Have you ever wondered how many bars have transpired since a certain condition was met? Some platforms provide this capability:
If ExitFlag and (c crosses above average within 3 bars) then
TradeStation provides the MRO (Most Recent Occurrence) function that provides a very similar capability. The only problem with this function is that it returns a -1 if the criteria are not met within the user provided lookback window. If you say:
And c hasn’t crossed the 200-day moving average within the past twenty days the condition is still set to true because the function returns a -1.
I have created a function named BarsSince and you can set the false value to any value you wish. In the aforementioned example, you would want the function to return a large number so the function would provide the correct solution. Here’s how I did it:
inputs: Test( truefalseseries ), Length( numericsimple ), Instance( numericsimple ) , { 0 < Instance <= Length} FalseReturnValue(numericsimple); {Return value if not found in length window}
The condition that is being tested [e.g. rsi > crosses above 30]
The lookback window [rsiLen – 14 bars in this case]
Which occurrence [1 – most recent; 2- next most recent; etc…]
False return value [999 in this case; if condition is not met in time]
A Simple Mean Reversion Using the Function:
Here are the results of this simple system utilizing the function.
Optimization Results:
I came up with this curve through a Genetic Optimization:
The BarsSince function adds flexibility or fuzziness when you want to test a condition but want to allow it to have a day (bar) or two tolerance. In a more in-depth analysis, the best results very rarely occurred on the day the RSI crossed a boundary. Email me with questions of course.
Backtesting with [Trade Station,Python,AmiBroker, Excel]. Intended for informational and educational purposes only!
Get All Five Books in the Easing Into EasyLanguage Series - The Trend Following Edition is now Available!
Announcement – A Trend Following edition has been added to my Easing into EasyLanguage Series! This edition will be the fifth and final installment and will utilize concepts discussed in the Foundation editions. I will pay respect to the legends of Trend Following by replicating the essence of their algorithms. Learn about the most prominent form of algorithmic trading. But get geared up for it by reading the first four editions in the series now. Get your favorite QUANT the books they need!
The Foundation Edition. The first in the series.
This series includes five editions that covers the full spectrum of the EasyLanguage programming language. Fully compliant with TradeStation and mostly compliant with MultiCharts. Start out with the Foundation Edition. It is designed for the new user of EasyLanguage or for those you would like to have a refresher course. There are 13 tutorials ranging from creating Strategies to PaintBars. Learn how to create your own functions or apply stops and profit objectives. Ever wanted to know how to find an inside day that is also a Narrow Range 7 (NR7?) Now you can, and the best part is you get over 4 HOURS OF VIDEO INSTRUCTION – one for each tutorial.
Hi-Res Edition Cover
This book is ideal for those who have completed the Foundation Edition or have some experience with EasyLanguage, especially if you’re ready to take your programming skills to the next level. The Hi-Res Edition is designed for programmers who want to build intraday trading systems, incorporating trade management techniques like profit targets and stop losses. This edition bridges the gap between daily and intraday bar programming, making it easier to handle challenges like tracking the sequence of high and low prices within the trading day. Plus, enjoy 5 hours of video instruction to guide you through each tutorial.
Advanced Topics Cover
The Advanced Topics Edition delves into essential programming concepts within EasyLanguage, offering a focused approach to complex topics. This book covers arrays and fixed-length buffers, including methods for element management, extraction, and sorting. Explore finite state machines using the switch-case construct, text graphic manipulation to retrieve precise X and Y coordinates, and gain insights into seasonality with the Ruggiero/Barna Universal Seasonal and Sheldon Knight Seasonal methods. Additionally, learn to build EasyLanguage projects, integrate fundamental data like Commitment of Traders, and create multi-timeframe indicators for comprehensive analysis.
Get Day Trading Edition Today!
The Day Trading Edition complements the other books in the series, diving into the popular approach of day trading, where overnight risk is avoided (though daytime risk still applies!). Programming on high-resolution data, such as five- or one-minute bars, can be challenging, and this book provides guidance without claiming to be a “Holy Grail.” It’s not for ultra-high-frequency trading but rather for those interested in techniques like volatility-based breakouts, pyramiding, scaling out, and zone-based trading. Ideal for readers of the Foundation and Hi-Res editions or those with EasyLanguage experience, this book offers insights into algorithms that shaped the day trading industry.
Trend Following Cover.
For thirty-one years as the Director of Research at Futures Truth Magazine, I had the privilege of collaborating with renowned experts in technical analysis, including Fitschen, Stuckey, Ruggiero, Fox, and Waite. I gained invaluable insights as I watched their trend-following methods reach impressive peaks, face sharp declines, and ultimately rebound. From late 2014 to early 2020, I witnessed a dramatic downturn across the trend-following industry. Iconic systems like Aberration, CatScan, Andromeda, and Super Turtle—once thriving on robust trends of the 1990s through early 2010s—began to falter long before the pandemic. Since 2020 we have seen the familiar trends return. Get six hours of video instruction with this edition.
Pick up your copies today – e-Book or paperback format – at