I finally got around to programming an easy Python down loader for CME data from Quandl. I promised this in my last book, but haven’t got that many requests. On the Ultimate Algorithmic Trading System…. page I have provided some data going back to early 2008 on several markers. This is a work in progress. I also wrote a back adjuster that rolls when the Open Interest + Volume is greater in the next contract and adjusts the data retroactively (Panama process) by the discount on the roll date. As I state on the web page this data is not all that great even though it looks like it comes directly from CME. I do fill in gaps and try to fix glaring errors so take it for what it is. Its good data for preliminary testing, but to finalize an algorithm or to trade by I would definitely go the “paid” route. Although the later data looks pretty good.
Before downloading the data I would sign up for Quandl and get an API key. You will be amazed at the amount of data they make available – free and paid subscriptions.
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6 thoughts on “Back Adjusted Continuous Contract Data from Quandl”
I subscribe to Quandl for data. Would you agree that the most appropriate futures continuous contract data for simulating historical trades in doaars would be 1st contract, backwards panama, open interest switch? Thank you.
Hi, again Richard. Quandl no longer offers the individual CME data contracts that I was using to link the contracts together. They do offer a database that includes all of the front months in a single file. They also have the second month in files as well. From this data, you can splice together an adjusted continuous contract. The backwards panama with OI triggers is a great algorithm to use. Some prefer a volume and OI trigger. But I think you can get a robust database using just OI.
Hi Richard, I chanced upon your insightful website. Could I check if you know Quandl\’s Terminology? For example, when it indicates S&P 500 Futures, Continuous Contract #2, does it mean this is the second month as you mentioned above?
Quandl uses the number following the futures name to show which “month out” the data refers to.
For example #1 for SP500 is the front month contract and it will flip when the contract expires [Mar, June, Sep, Dec]
Prior to expiration of #1 the #2 contract will experience higher volume and or open interest – when this occurs you would switch to #2 before #1 expires
Once contract #1 expires it #2 is implemented and #3 becomes #2 and so on.
Normally you would trade #1 in the SP
Contract #1
March Contract Dec 1x, Jan, Feb, March 1x
June Contract March 1x, Apr, May, June 1x
Sept Contract June1x, July, Aug, Sept 1x
Dec Contract Sept 1x, Oct, Nov, Dec 1x
Contract #2
June Contract Mar 1x +1, Contract #1 expiration date [March] – about 5 trading days
Sept Contract June 1x +1, Contract #1 expiration date [June]
Dec Contract Sept 1x+ 1, Contract #1 expiration date [Sept]
Mar Contract Dec 1x +1, Contract #1 expriration date[Dec’
Thanks for your reply. Cant believe that I missed it (no email notification or I might have missed it).
When constructing the continuous futures data, do you account for the fact that it\’s possible that 1st 2 contracts may not be the most liquid? If we go down the depth (beyond second contract), I would imagine that the panama stitching is going to be a nightmare.
The stitching is a nightmare for sure. You absolutely correct sometimes you have to dig down to 4 levels of contracts to get the data you need – high volume and high opInt. My code goes 4 levels but I am still disappointed with the quality of the QUANDL free data. It was great when the CME posted their historical data for free in individual contract format. I wished they would publish it once every six months – even if it was a few months old. One day maybe!
Backtesting with [Trade Station,Python,AmiBroker, Excel]. Intended for informational and educational purposes only!
Get All Four Books in the Easing Into EasyLanguage Series - The Day Trade Edition is now Available!
Announcement – A Day Trade Edition will be added to my Easing Into EasyLanguage Series this year! This edition will be the fourth installment and will utilize concepts discussed in the Hi-Res and Advanced Topics editions. I will show how to develop and program algorithms that will enter after the open of the day and get out before the market closes. Hence, no overnight exposure. Most examples will be carried out on the mini Dow, Nasdaq, S&P500 and Russel. The programming skills that you will learn can be carried to any market that provides enough bang for the buck to day trade. Look for this edition later this year. But get geared up for it by reading the first three editions in the series now. Get your favorite QUANT the books they need!
Hello to All! The Easing Into EasyLanguage Series is now complete with the publication of the Advanced Topics Edition. This series includes three educational editions. Start out with the Foundation Edition. It is designed for the new user of EasyLanguage or for those you would like to have a refresher course. There are 13 tutorials ranging from creating Strategies to PaintBars. Learn how to create your own functions or apply stops and profit objectives. Ever wanted to know how to find an inside day that is also a Narrow Range 7 (NR7?) Now you can, and the best part is you get over 4 HOURS OF VIDEO INSTRUCTION – one for each tutorial. All source code is available too, and if you have TradeStation, so are the workspaces. Plus you can always email George for any questions. george.p.pruitt@gmail.com.
This book is for those that have read the Foundation Edition or have some experience working with EasyLanguage and the various functions that help make a trading decision. This book’s audience will be those programmers that want to take an idea, that requires an observation of intraday market movements to make a trading decision, and program it accurately. If you have programmed daily bar systems, and you want to drill down and add some components that require additional market information (like what came first – the high or the low), then you have come to the right place. If you want to buy and sell short in the same day and use trade management principles such as profit targets and stop losses then The Hi-Res Edition is the book you need. There are two paradigms that EasyLanguage covers: daily and intraday bar programming. It’s the same language, but the move from daily to intraday programming can be quite difficult. Learn all the essentials and shortcuts with this edition. 5 HOURS OF VIDEO INSTRUCTION in this Hi-Res edition – one for each tutorial. All source code is available too, and if you have TradeStation, so are the workspaces. Plus you can always email George for any questions. george.p.pruitt@gmail.com.
Advanced Topics (AT) could cover a vast amount of ideas and concepts and be the length of “War and Peace” on steroids. Since this book is part of the series, I wanted to cover a handful of concepts that included the follow programming constructs. Arrays and their manipulation. Buffers (fixed length arrays) and the tools to maintain buffer elements with formulas for extraction and sorting. Finite State Machines using the switch-case construct and range based case values. Using original text graphic objects and retrieving and analyzing their properties to determine X and Y coordinate values of text location. Seasonality: The Ruggiero/Barna Universal Seasonal and the Sheldon Knight Seasonal methods. In AT, you will also find an introduction to EasyLanguage’s Project Concept and the steps to create one by adding/deleting component files. TradeStation now provides access to fundamental data such as Commitment of Traders – learn how to convert the Net Change indicator into a strategy utilizing the FundValue functionality. If you wanted to find out how to merge multiple time frames into a single indicator, you are in luck! Create a MTF indicator for yourself.
Day Trading (DT) – This is a surprise installment in my Easing into EasyLanguage Series, as I had only intended on three books. However, I think it will fit well with the other books. Daytrading is a very popular approach as overnight risk is eliminated. Don’t worry there is plenty of risk during the day too! However, it can be very difficult to accurately program a trading idea on higher resolution data such as five- or one-minute bars. Like my other books, there is no “Holy Grail” included. And if you are looking for a book that gets in and out of a trade in a few seconds, this is not the one for you. I discourage trading more than a handful of trades per day – this is best left up to the professionals. But, if you want to learn about volatility-based break outs, pyramiding, scaling out, zone-based trading, accurate trade accounting and having a peek at algorithms that once ruled the systematic daytrading industry, then this is the book for you. A beginner might have a little difficulty in following along with the tutorials. If you have read the first two books (Foundation and Hi-Res) in this series, you are good to go. Or if you have some experience working with EasyLanguage and minute data, you will be OK as well.
Pick up your copies today – e-Book or paperback format – at Amazon.com
I subscribe to Quandl for data. Would you agree that the most appropriate futures continuous contract data for simulating historical trades in doaars would be 1st contract, backwards panama, open interest switch? Thank you.
Hi, again Richard. Quandl no longer offers the individual CME data contracts that I was using to link the contracts together. They do offer a database that includes all of the front months in a single file. They also have the second month in files as well. From this data, you can splice together an adjusted continuous contract. The backwards panama with OI triggers is a great algorithm to use. Some prefer a volume and OI trigger. But I think you can get a robust database using just OI.
Hi Richard, I chanced upon your insightful website. Could I check if you know Quandl\’s Terminology? For example, when it indicates S&P 500 Futures, Continuous Contract #2, does it mean this is the second month as you mentioned above?
Hello Jirong,
Quandl uses the number following the futures name to show which “month out” the data refers to.
For example #1 for SP500 is the front month contract and it will flip when the contract expires [Mar, June, Sep, Dec]
Prior to expiration of #1 the #2 contract will experience higher volume and or open interest – when this occurs you would switch to #2 before #1 expires
Once contract #1 expires it #2 is implemented and #3 becomes #2 and so on.
Normally you would trade #1 in the SP
Contract #1
March Contract Dec 1x, Jan, Feb, March 1x
June Contract March 1x, Apr, May, June 1x
Sept Contract June1x, July, Aug, Sept 1x
Dec Contract Sept 1x, Oct, Nov, Dec 1x
Contract #2
June Contract Mar 1x +1, Contract #1 expiration date [March] – about 5 trading days
Sept Contract June 1x +1, Contract #1 expiration date [June]
Dec Contract Sept 1x+ 1, Contract #1 expiration date [Sept]
Mar Contract Dec 1x +1, Contract #1 expriration date[Dec’
Hi George
Thanks for your reply. Cant believe that I missed it (no email notification or I might have missed it).
When constructing the continuous futures data, do you account for the fact that it\’s possible that 1st 2 contracts may not be the most liquid? If we go down the depth (beyond second contract), I would imagine that the panama stitching is going to be a nightmare.
Hi Jirong,
The stitching is a nightmare for sure. You absolutely correct sometimes you have to dig down to 4 levels of contracts to get the data you need – high volume and high opInt. My code goes 4 levels but I am still disappointed with the quality of the QUANDL free data. It was great when the CME posted their historical data for free in individual contract format. I wished they would publish it once every six months – even if it was a few months old. One day maybe!