VBA for Excel Code to Open Multiple Text Files

For all of you who want to open multiple text files from within VBA here is the code that will do just that. Here I open a Open File Dialog and enable multiple file selection. I then parse the return string to gather the path and individual file names. The data is then processed – I am looking for a file with a date and a value separated by a comma.  You can basically do anything you want with VBA and you also have the EXCEL functions right at your fingertips.  Plus output to a worksheet is ultra simple.

 Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
With fd
Set ffs = .Filters
With ffs
.Add "CSV Data", "*.csv; *.txt"
End With
.AllowMultiSelect = True
If .Show = False Then Exit Sub
fcnt = 0
maxDate = DateValue("01/01/1900")
minDate = DateValue("12/31/2200")
prevSymbol = "**"
dateNewestToOldest = False
For Each it In fd.SelectedItems
fcnt = fcnt + 1
filePath(fcnt) = it
fileName(fcnt) = Right(filePath(fcnt), Len(filePath(fcnt)) - InStrRev(filePath(fcnt), "\"))
symbol(fcnt) = Left(fileName(fcnt), 2)
Set DataHolder = New DataClass

If symbol(fcnt) <> prevSymbol Then symbolHolder.Add symbol(fcnt)
prevSymbol = symbol(fcnt)
dataCnt = 0
Open filePath(fcnt) For Input As #1
rowNumber = 1
Do Until EOF(1)
Line Input #1, lineFromFile
dataCnt = dataCnt + 1
If dataCnt > skipLines Then
lineFromFile = Replace(lineFromFile, " ", "")
lineItems = Split(lineFromFile, ",")
numItems = UBound(lineItems) - LBound(lineItems) + 1
isDash1 = InStr(lineItems(0), "-")
isSlash1 = InStr(lineItems(0), "/")
If isDash1 > 0 Or isSlash1 > 0 Then
inputDate = CDate(lineItems(0))
myYear = Left(lineItems(0), 4)
myMonth = Mid(lineItems(0), 5, 2)
myDay = Right(lineItems(0), 2)
inputDate = DateSerial(Left(lineItems(0), 4), Mid(lineItems(0), 5, 2), Right(lineItems(0), 2))
End If
If dataCnt > 1 Then
If inputDate < tempDate Then dateNewestToOldest = True
End If
If inputDate > maxDate Then maxDate = inputDate
If inputDate < minDate Then minDate = inputDate
Set DataHolder = New DataClass
DataHolder.SymbolName = symbol(fcnt)
DataHolder.SymbolNum = fcnt
DataHolder.EquDate = inputDate
DataHolder.EquVal = lineItems(1)
myEquityCollection.Add DataHolder
tempDate = inputDate
End If
Close #1
Next it
End With
VBA code to open multiple text files

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