Tag Archives: pyramding

EasyLanguage Code for Pyramiding a Day-Trading System w/video [PART-2]


Check out the latest video on Pyramiding.

Here is the finalized tutorial on building the pyramiding ES-day-trade system that was presented in the last post.

I will admit this video should be half as long as the end result.  I get a bit long-winded.  However, I think there are some good pointers that should save you some time when programming a similar system.

EasyLanguage Source:

Here is the final code from the video:

vars: mp(0),lastTradePrice(0),canSell(true);

mp = marketPosition * currentContracts;

if date[0] <> date[1] then
canSell = true; // canSell on every day

if mp = -1 then canSell = false; // one trade on - no more
if time > 1430 then canSell = false; //no entries afte 230 central

if mp = 0 and canSell = true then sellShort next bar at OpenD(0) - 3 stop;

if mp = -1 then sellShort next bar at OpenD(0) - 6 stop; //add 1
if mp = -2 then sellShort next bar at OpenD(0) - 9 stop; //add 2

if mp = -1 then lastTradePrice = OpenD(0) - 3; //keep track of entryPrice
if mp = -2 then lastTradePrice = OpenD(0) - 6;
if mp = -3 then lastTradePrice = OpenD(0) - 9;

if mp <> 0 then buyToCover next bar at lastTradePrice + 3 stop; // 3 handle risk on last trade

// next line provides a threshold prior to engaging trailing stop
if mp = -3 and barsSinceEntry > 0 and lowD(0) < lastTradePrice - 3 then buyToCover next bar at lowD(0) + 3 stop;

EasyLanguage for Pyramiding and Day-Trading ES

What we learned here:

  • can’t use entriesToday(date) to determine last entry price
  • must use logic to not issue an order to execute on the first bar of the next day
  • mp = marketPosition * currentContracts is powerful stuff!

In the next few days, I will publish the long side version of this code and also a more eloquent approach to the programming that will allow for future modifications and flexibility.

Let me know how it works out for you.

Take this code and add some filters to prevent trading every day or a filter to only allow long entries!