I have never liked how TradeStation bundles all of “our” source code in a library. I have always copied my source code into a notepad text file as a back up. Not only does this back up your source you can actually look at it without launching the EL editor. The only drawback is having to copy to notepad and then save it. I recently came across a very powerful window’s automation software called AutoIt. With this FREE software you can automate a ton of mundane daily tasks. I have created a script that runs in the background and when you compose a new Analysis Technique and hit the F7 function key it will copy the contents of the current window to a notepad text file and then all you do is save it. With this script you should never say I wished I had back up my source outside of the TradeStation realm.
Goto http://www.autoitscript.com and download the program. Here is the code for the macro/script:
#include <FileConstants.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <StringConstants.au3>
HotKeySet("{F7}", "copyELD")
HotKeySet("{F8}", "terminate")
Func copyELD()
$window_title = WinGetTitle("[active]")
$variable_fromclipboard = ClipGet()
WinWaitActive("Untitled - Notepad")
; Send($variable_fromclipboard)
MsgBox(0, "The text was pasted ok", "Yep can see it")
Local Const $sMessage = "Choose a filename."
; Local $sFileSaveDialog = FileSaveDialog($sMessage, "::{450D8FBA-AD25-11D0-98A8-0800361B1103}", "ELD Text (*.txt)", $FD_PATHMUSTEXIST)
; MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "You saved the following file:" & @CRLF & $sFileSaveDialog)
Func terminate()
While 1
I was referred to a very excellent blog http://etfhq.com/ and wanted to confirm that Welles Wilder’s trick (ease of calculating) smoothing algorithm was indeed equivalent to an exponential moving average but twice the length – 1. This blog by Derry Brown is worth taking a look at.
Here is my TS code for verify the length difference between WellesSmooth and Exp. Smooth:
{Test for equivelance}
if currentBar = 1 then
value1 = average(c,14);
if currentBar > 1 then
value1 = (13*value1+c)/14; //Wells Wilder Smoothing
Here is a nice template to use when testing a volatility break out system to daytade. Note I haven’t yet finished the filter coding.
{OPEN RANGE BREAK OUT with Trade Management}
{:data1 = 5 minbars
:data2 = daily bars}
inputs: atrLookBack(10),brkOutAmt(.20),initProtStop$(500),profitThresh$(300),percentTrail(0.3),waitNumBars(3),endTradeEntryTime(1430);
inputs: tradeFilterNum(1);
{tradeFilterNum indicates how you want to
filter the trades:
filter #1 : prior day was a narrow range
filter #2 : prior day was a NR4
filter #3 : buy/sell day only base on today's open
filter #4 : combo of filter #1 and filter #3
filter #5 : combo of filter #2 and filter #3
vars: buysToday(0),sellsToday(0),atrVal(0),todaysOpen(0),canBuy(false),canSell(false);
vars: trailLong(false),trailShort(false),trailLongStop(0),trailShortStop(999999);
vars: myBuysToday(0),mySellsToday(0);
if tradeFilterNum = 1 then
canBuy = false;
canSell = false;
if range of data2 < avgTrueRange(atrLookBack) of data2 and time < endTradeEntryTime then
canBuy = true;
canSell = true;
if date <> date[1] then
todaysOpen = open; {Capture Today's Open}
trailLongStop = 0;
trailShortStop = 9999999;
myBuysToday = 0;
mySellsToday = 0;
if marketPosition = 1 then myBuysToday = 1;
if marketPosition = -1 then mySellsToday = -1;
atrVal = avgTrueRange(atrLookBack) of data2;
if canBuy and myBuysToday = 0 and marketPosition <> 1 then buy("BBO") next bar at todaysOpen + atrVal * brkOutAmt stop;
if canSell and mySellsToday = 0 and marketPosition <>-1 then sellshort("SBO") next bar at todaysOpen - atrVal *brkOutAmt stop;
if marketPosition <> 1 then trailLong = false;
if marketPosition <> -1 then trailShort = false;
if marketPosition = 1 then
sell("LongExit") next bar at entryPrice - initProtStop$/bigPointValue stop;
if h > entryPrice + profitThresh$/bigPointValue then trailLong = true;
if trailLong then
trailLongStop = maxList(trailLongStop,h - (h - entryPrice)*percentTrail);
sell("LongTrail") next bar at trailLongStop stop;
if marketPosition = -1 then
buyToCover("ShrtExit") next bar at entryPrice + initProtStop$/bigPointValue stop;
if l < entryPrice - profitThresh$/bigPointValue then trailShort = true;
if trailShort then
trailShortStop = minList(trailShortStop,l + (entryPrice - l)*percentTrail);
buyToCover("ShortTrail") next bar at trailShortStop stop;
I posted some research on zone analysis at www.futurestruth/wordpress.com. Based on this research I created a very simple system framework. Here is some trade examples and performance results for the past four years.
//Zone Program by George Pruitt
// Buy when market opens in zone 1 and dips into zone 3
// Sell when market opens in zone 4 and rises into zone 2
vars: myZone1B(0),myZone2T(0),myZone2B(0),myZone3T(0),myZone3B(0),myzone4T(0);
inputs: profitAmt$(1000),riskAmt$(500),stopEntryTime(1300);
if date <> date[1] then
buysToday = 0;
sellsToday = 0;
myBarCount = 1;
if(marketPosition = 1) then buysToday = 1;
if(marketPosition =-1) then sellsToday = 1;
if date<> date[1] then myBarCount = myBarCount + 1;
myZone1B = highD(1) + minMove/PriceScale;
myZone2T = highD(1);
myZone2B = (highD(1) + lowD(1))/2 + minMove/PriceScale;
myZone3T = (highD(1) + lowD(1))/2;
myZone3B = lowD(1);
myZone4T = lowD(1) - minMove/PriceScale;
//if openD(0) > myZone1B and low > myZone1B and myBarCount > 1 and sellsToday = 0 and time <> Sess1endtime then sellshort next bar at low stop;
//if openD(0) < myZone4T and high < myZone4T and myBarCount > 1 and buysToday = 0 and time <> Sess1endtime then buy next bar at high stop;
if openD(0) > myZone1B and low < myZone2B and myBarCount > 1 and buysToday = 0 and time < stopEntryTime then buy next bar at low limit;
if openD(0) < myZone4T and high > myZone3T and myBarCount > 1 and sellsToday = 0 and time < stopEntryTime then sellshort next bar at high limit;
myBarCount = myBarCount + 1;
//print(date," ",time," ",buysToday," ",openD(0) > myZone1B and low > myZone1B and myBarCount > 1 and buysToday = 0);
I have had a few emails stating the link in the book wasn’t working correctly so here is the one I use and it seems to work fine. Please let me know if you have any problems. The password is in the back of the book.
Looking for a trend follower – give this one a try!
[LegacyColorValue = true];
{King Keltner Program
King Keltner by George Pruitt -- based on trading system presented by Chester Keltner
-- an example of a simple, robust and effective strategy}
Inputs: avgLength(40),atrLength(40);
Vars: upBand(0),dnBand(0),liquidPoint(0),movAvgVal(0);
movAvgVal = Average((High + Low + Close)/3.0,avgLength);
upBand = movAvgVal + AvgTrueRange(atrLength);
dnBand = movAvgVal - AvgTrueRange(atrLength);
{Remember buy stops are above the market and sell stops are below the market
-- if the market gaps above the buy stop, then the order turns into a market order
vice versa for the sell stop}
if(movAvgVal > movAvgVal[1]) then Buy ("KKBuy") tomorrow at upBand stop;
if(movAvgVal < movAvgVal[1]) then Sell("KKSell")tomorrow at dnBand stop;
liquidPoint = movAvgVal;
if(MarketPosition = 1) then Sell tomorrow at liquidPoint stop;
if(MarketPosition =-1) then BuyTocover tomorrow at liquidPoint stop;
Code to pyramid up to N contracts on a day trade basis.
input: maxSize(5),startTime(1000),endTime(1555);
var: stb(0),sts(0),tpAmt(0),lprft(0),sprft(0);
stb = High + minMove/priceScale;
sts = Low - minMove/priceScale;
print(date," ",time," ",stb," ",sts," ",currentShares);
if (time > startTime and time < endTime ) then
tpAmt = average(range,10);
if(high>high[1]) then lprft = highD(0)+1*tpAmt;
if(low < low[1]) then sprft = lowD(0) -1*tpAmt;
if(currentShares < maxSize and c < average(c,9) and low < low[1] and close < close[1]) then buy("pyrabuy")next bar at sts limit;
if(currentShares < maxSize and c < average(c,9) and high >high[1] and close > close[1]) then sellShort("pyrasell") next bar at stb limit;
//if(currentShares >= maxSize and marketPosition = 1) then sell("longmaxliq") next bar sts stop;
//if(currentShares >= maxSize and marketPosition =-1) then buyToCover("shortmaxliq") next bar stb stop;
if(marketPosition = 1) then sell("longProf") next bar lprft limit;
if(marketPosition =-1) then buytoCover("shortProf") next bar at sprft limit;
Final version posted below. A little advanced but if you can follow and make sense of it then you are well along on becoming an EasyLanguage programmer.
inputs: absEntryChanLen(55),entryChanlen(20),exitChanLen(10),
mp = marketPosition;
if mp = 0 then
N = AvgTrueRange(20);
N$ = N*BigPointValue;
dollarRisk = AccountSize * riskPerTradePer;
lotSize = IntPortion(DollarRisk/N$);
if lotSize < 1 then lotSize = 1;
StopLoss = 2 * N$ * lotSize;
StopLossPts = 2 * N * lotSize;
hh20 = highest(high,entryChanLen);
hh55 = highest(high,absEntryChanLen);
ll20 = lowest(low,entryChanLen);
ll55 = lowest(low,absEntryChanLen);
If mp <> 1 and mp[1] = 1 then
tradeProfit = ExitPrice(1) - EntryPrice(1);
lastTradeLoser = true;
If tradeProfit > 0 then lastTradeLoser = false;
if debug then
print(date," Long Trader ",tradeProfit*bigPointValue," ",lastTradeLoser,
" ExitPrice ",ExitPrice(1):6:6," entryPrice ",entryPrice(1):6:6);
If mp <> -1 and mp[1] = -1 then
tradeProfit = EntryPrice(1) - ExitPrice(1);
lastTradeLoser = true;
If tradeProfit > 0 then lastTradeLoser = false;
if debug then
print(date," **** Short Trader ",tradeProfit*bigPointValue," ",lastTradeLoser,
" mp ",mp," ",mp[1]);
If lastTradeLoserFilter = False then lastTradeLoser = True;
If lastTradeLoser = False then
if debug then
print(date," In Virtual Section And VirtTmp = ",virTmp);
If(virtmp = 1) then
virtLongLiqPrice = maxList(lowest(low[1],exitChanLen),virtLongLoss);
if(virtualLongExit(virtLongLiqPrice,1,myFillPrice) =1) then
tradeProfit = myFillPrice - virtBuyPrice;
If tradeProfit < 0 then lastTradeLoser = true;
virtmp = 0;
if debug then print(" Long Exit @ ",myFillPrice);
If(virtmp = -1) then
virtShortLiqPrice = minList(highest(high[1],exitChanLen),virtShortLoss);
if(virtualShortExit(highest(high[1],exitChanLen),1,myFillPrice) =1) then
tradeProfit = virtSellPrice - myFillPrice;
If tradeProfit < 0 then lastTradeLoser = true;
virtmp = 0;
if debug then print(" ShortExit @ ",myFillPrice);
if(virtualBuy(highest(high[1],entryChanLen),1,myFillPrice) = 1) then
if virtmp <> 1 then
virtBuyPrice = myFillPrice;
virtLongLoss = myFillPrice - 2*N;
virtmp = 1;
tradeProfit = 0;
If virtmp[1] = -1 then tradeProfit = virtSellPrice - virtBuyPrice;
If tradeProfit < 0 then lastTradeLoser = true;
if debug then print(" Long @ ",myFillPrice);
if(virtualSell(lowest(low[1],entryChanLen),1,myFillPrice) = 1) then
if virtmp <> -1 then
virtsellPrice = myFillPrice;
virtShortLoss = myFillPrice + 2*N;
virtmp = -1;
tradeProfit = 0;
If virtmp[1] = 1 then tradeProfit = virtBuyPrice - virtSellPrice;
If tradeProfit < 0 then lastTradeLoser = true;
if debug then print(" Short @ ",myFillPrice);
if debug then print("End of Virtual Module : virTmp = ",virTmp);
for iCnt = 0 to 3
if lastTradeLoser then
if mp <> -1 and currentContracts = iCnt * lotSize then
buyPrice = hh20 + iCnt * N/2;
if mp <> 1 and currentContracts = iCnt * lotSize then
sellPrice = ll20 - iCnt * N/2;
virTmp = 0;
if lastTradeLoser = false then
if mp <> -1 and currentContracts = iCnt * lotSize then
buyPrice = hh55 + iCnt * N/2;
if mp <> 1 and currentContracts = iCnt * lotSize then
sellPrice = ll55 - iCnt * N/2;
// virTmp = 0;
if lastTradeLoser then
if currentContracts < 4 * lotsize then Buy ("Turtle20Buy") lotSize contracts next bar at buyPrice stop;
if currentContracts < 4 * lotsize then Sellshort ("Turtle20Sell") lotsize contracts next bar at sellPrice stop;
if currentContracts < 4 * lotsize and debug then print(date," 20sellPrice ",sellPrice:6:6," ",currentContracts);
if lastTradeLoser = false then
if currentContracts < 4 * lotsize then Buy ("Turtle55Buy") lotSize contracts next bar at buyPrice stop;
if currentContracts < 4 * lotsize then Sellshort ("Turtle55Sell") lotsize contracts next bar at sellPrice stop;
if debug then print(date," ",iCnt," 55sellPrice ",sellPrice:6:6);
If mp = 1 then Sell ("TurtleLExit") next bar at lowest(low,exitChanLen) stop;
If mp = -1 then BuyToCover("TurtleSExit") next bar at highest(high,exitChanLen) stop;
If mp = 1 then Sell ("TurtleLExit2N") next bar at entryPrice - stopLossPts stop;
If mp = -1 then BuyToCover("TurtleSExit2N") next bar at entryPrice + stopLossPts stop;
Backtesting with [Trade Station,Python,AmiBroker, Excel]. Intended for informational and educational purposes only!
Get All Five Books in the Easing Into EasyLanguage Series - The Trend Following Edition is now Available!
Announcement – A Trend Following edition has been added to my Easing into EasyLanguage Series! This edition will be the fifth and final installment and will utilize concepts discussed in the Foundation editions. I will pay respect to the legends of Trend Following by replicating the essence of their algorithms. Learn about the most prominent form of algorithmic trading. But get geared up for it by reading the first four editions in the series now. Get your favorite QUANT the books they need!
The Foundation Edition. The first in the series.
This series includes five editions that covers the full spectrum of the EasyLanguage programming language. Fully compliant with TradeStation and mostly compliant with MultiCharts. Start out with the Foundation Edition. It is designed for the new user of EasyLanguage or for those you would like to have a refresher course. There are 13 tutorials ranging from creating Strategies to PaintBars. Learn how to create your own functions or apply stops and profit objectives. Ever wanted to know how to find an inside day that is also a Narrow Range 7 (NR7?) Now you can, and the best part is you get over 4 HOURS OF VIDEO INSTRUCTION – one for each tutorial.
Hi-Res Edition Cover
This book is ideal for those who have completed the Foundation Edition or have some experience with EasyLanguage, especially if you’re ready to take your programming skills to the next level. The Hi-Res Edition is designed for programmers who want to build intraday trading systems, incorporating trade management techniques like profit targets and stop losses. This edition bridges the gap between daily and intraday bar programming, making it easier to handle challenges like tracking the sequence of high and low prices within the trading day. Plus, enjoy 5 hours of video instruction to guide you through each tutorial.
Advanced Topics Cover
The Advanced Topics Edition delves into essential programming concepts within EasyLanguage, offering a focused approach to complex topics. This book covers arrays and fixed-length buffers, including methods for element management, extraction, and sorting. Explore finite state machines using the switch-case construct, text graphic manipulation to retrieve precise X and Y coordinates, and gain insights into seasonality with the Ruggiero/Barna Universal Seasonal and Sheldon Knight Seasonal methods. Additionally, learn to build EasyLanguage projects, integrate fundamental data like Commitment of Traders, and create multi-timeframe indicators for comprehensive analysis.
Get Day Trading Edition Today!
The Day Trading Edition complements the other books in the series, diving into the popular approach of day trading, where overnight risk is avoided (though daytime risk still applies!). Programming on high-resolution data, such as five- or one-minute bars, can be challenging, and this book provides guidance without claiming to be a “Holy Grail.” It’s not for ultra-high-frequency trading but rather for those interested in techniques like volatility-based breakouts, pyramiding, scaling out, and zone-based trading. Ideal for readers of the Foundation and Hi-Res editions or those with EasyLanguage experience, this book offers insights into algorithms that shaped the day trading industry.
Trend Following Cover.
For thirty-one years as the Director of Research at Futures Truth Magazine, I had the privilege of collaborating with renowned experts in technical analysis, including Fitschen, Stuckey, Ruggiero, Fox, and Waite. I gained invaluable insights as I watched their trend-following methods reach impressive peaks, face sharp declines, and ultimately rebound. From late 2014 to early 2020, I witnessed a dramatic downturn across the trend-following industry. Iconic systems like Aberration, CatScan, Andromeda, and Super Turtle—once thriving on robust trends of the 1990s through early 2010s—began to falter long before the pandemic. Since 2020 we have seen the familiar trends return. Get six hours of video instruction with this edition.
Pick up your copies today – e-Book or paperback format – at Amazon.com