All posts by George Pruitt

George Pruitt - Author - Blogger - Programmer - Technician Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from UNC-Asheville Levo Oculos Meos In Montes

Using TradeStation’s Development Environment Projects

I have started using the TDE’s projects more and more.  Before, when I was working on multiple related files I would lose track of them in the editor tabs, or discover, when working over time on different projects, I would have twenty or thirty files open – this of course would slow the editor down.  Using projects can clean up your workspace and speed up productivity.  Projects have been around forever and most professional IDEs  incorporate them to aid in the organization and productivity of the programmer.

Here is simple Project with three components:  indicator, function, and strategy.



Notice how you can focus just on the components of the project.

I also like to split the editor window and populate the bottom pane with code I might need to refer.

Check out the multiple output function – geoTriMavIndic.


Pyramiding with Python

A reader of the “UATSTB” asked for an example of how to pyramid in the Python System BackTester (PSB).  I had original bug where you couldn’t peel off all of the positions at once.  If you tried then the PSB would crash.  I have now fixed that problem and here are the necessary lines to add on another position after the initial positions is put on.   I am using a simple moving average crossover to initiate the first position and then if the longer term moving average is positive for 4 days in a row I add on another position.  That’s it.  A max of two position only.  The system either gets reversed to the other side, stopped out or takes profits.  Attached in this post is the module that fixes the pyramiding problem and the code for this system in its entirety.   I will also put the fix in the version 2.0 download.

        upCnt = 0
dnCnt = 0
for j in range(4):
if sAverage(myClose,39,i,j) > sAverage(myClose,39,i,j+1):
upCnt += 1
if sAverage(myClose,39,i,j) < sAverage(myClose,39,i,j+1):
dnCnt += 1

#Long Entry Logic
if (mp != 1) and avg1 > avg2 and prevAvg1 < prevAvg2:
profit = 0
price = myClose[i]
tradeName = "DMA Buy"

#Long Pyramid Logic
if (mp == 1) and upCnt == 4:
profit = 0
price = myClose[i]
tradeName = "LongPyra"
Pyramiding the Long Side of a Dual Moving Average

I only put in the summary of code that will create the initial position and then add 1 more.  Notice the highlighted code from line 3 to 7.  Here I am using a simple loop to determine if the the 39-day moving average is increasing/decreasing consecutively over the past four days.  If the upCnt == 4 then I add a long position.  Notice how I test in the Long Pyramid Logic the values of mp and upCnt.  I only go long another position if I am already long 1 and upCnt == 4.  

Here is a print out of some of the trades:

20040923      DMA Buy  1 127.79000       0.00       0.00
20040923 LongPyra 1 127.79000 0.00 0.00
20041006 L-Prof 2 130.79000 5800.00 14560.00
20041116 DMA Short 1 126.14000 0.00 0.00
20041119 ShortPyra 1 128.64000 0.00 0.00
20041201 S-Prof 2 125.64000 3300.00 17860.00
20050121 DMA Buy 1 127.85000 0.00 0.00
20050202 LongPyra 1 126.01000 0.00 0.00
20050222 L-Prof 2 129.01000 3960.00 21820.00
20050418 DMA Short 1 128.18000 0.00 0.00
20050419 S-MMLoss 1 130.28000 -2200.00 19620.00
20050616 DMA Buy 1 131.41000 0.00 0.00
20050621 LongPyra 1 133.02000 0.00 0.00
20050630 L-MMLoss 2 130.48000 -3670.00 15950.00
20050809 DMA Short 1 135.95000 0.00 0.00
20050810 RevShrtLiq 1 137.78000 -1930.00 14020.00
20050810 DMA Buy 1 137.78000 0.00 0.00
20050810 LongPyra 1 137.78000 0.00 0.00
20050829 L-Prof 2 140.98000 6200.00 20220.00
Trade Listing Of DMA with Pyramiding

While I was posting the trades I found something that struck my funny – look at line 5 (highlighted).  The short pyramid trade occurs at a higher price than the initial short – at first I thought I had made a programming error.  So I thought I would double check the code and then do some debugging.  Instead of invoking the debugger which is really cool and easy to use I decided to just print out the results to the console.

        for j in range(4):
if sAverage(myClose,39,i,j) > sAverage(myClose,39,i,j+1):
upCnt += 1
if sAverage(myClose,39,i,j) < sAverage(myClose,39,i,j+1):
dnCnt += 1
if tempDate == 20041119:
print(myDate[i]," ",j," ",sAverage(myClose,39,i,j))

'''Output of debugging using a print statement
20041119 0 130.68692307692308
20041119 1 130.69538461538463
20041119 2 130.74871794871794
20041119 3 130.7723076923077'''
Debugging using Print Statements

As you can see the longer term moving average is moving down event though price has increased.  Take a look at this chart and you can see multiple occurrences of this.

Examples of Divergence of Moving Average and Price

Remember to copy and replace the in you PSB2.0 directory – this fixes the pyramid bug.  Also copy the to the same directory.  If you haven’t as of yet download the PSB from this website and buy the book for a very good description.


Re-Entry After Taking A Profit

Here is some code I have been working on.  I will go into detail on the code a little later.  But this is how you monitor re-entering at a better price after taking a profit.  The problem with taking profits on longer term trend following systems is that the logic that got you into the position is probably still true and you will notice your algorithm will re-enter in the same direction.  So you need to inform your algorithm not to re-enter until a certain condition is met.  In this example, I only re-enter at a better price if the condition that got me into the trade is still valid.

Inputs: swingHiStrength(2),swingLowStrength(2),numDaysToLookBack(30),stopAmt$(500),profitAmt$(1000),getBackInAfterProfAmt$(250);
vars: mp(0),longProfTaken(false),shortProfTaken(false);

mp = marketPosition;

if not(longProfTaken) and mp <> 1 then Buy("BreakOut-B") next bar at highest(h[1],20) on a stop;
if not(shortProfTaken) and mp <>-1 then SellShort("BreakOut-S") next bar at lowest(l[1],20) on a stop;

//If mp[0] = 0 and mp[1] = 1 then print(date," ",exitPrice(1)," ",entryPrice(1));

If longProfTaken then
If c < exitPrice(1) - getBackInAfterProfAmt$/bigPointValue then
longProfTaken = false;
If mp <> -1 then buy("longRe-Entry") next bar at open;

If shortProfTaken then
If c > exitPrice(1) + getBackInAfterProfAmt$/bigPointValue then
shortProfTaken = false;
If mp <>-1 then sellShort("shortRe-Entry") next bar at open;

If mp = 1 and c > entryPrice + profitAmt$/bigPointValue then
sell this bar on close;
longProfTaken = true;

If mp =-1 and c < entryPrice - profitAmt$/bigPointValue then
buyToCover this bar on close;
shortProfTaken = true;

If mp = -1 then longProfTaken = false;
If mp = 1 then shortProfTaken = false;

//if mp = 1 then setStopLoss(stopAmt$);
//if mp = 1 then setProfitTarget(profitAmt$);
Re-Entering At Better Price After Profit

A Slightly More Eloquent Approach to Programming Our Pyramiding E-Mini DayTrading Algorithm.

Okay let’s see how I was able to add some eloquence to the brute force approach to this pyramiding algorithm.  The original code included multiple entry directives and a ton of hard coded numerical values.   So let me show you how I was able to refine the logic/code and in doing so make it much more flexible.  We might lose a little bit of the readability, but we can compensate by using extra commentary.

First off, let’s add flexibility by employing input variables.  In this case, we need to inform the algorithm the distance from the open to add additional positions and the max number of entries allowed for the day.

inputs : pyramidDistance(5),maxDailyEntries(3);

Now we need to set somethings up for the first bar of the day.  Comparing the date of today with the date of yesterday is a good way to do this.

if d<>d[1] then 
canSell = true;
sellMult = 1;
sellStop = -999999;
entries = 0;
First bar of the day housekeeping.

Here is a neat way to keep track of the number of entries as they occur throughout the trading day.  Remember the function EntriesToday(date) will not provide the information we need.

mp = marketPosition * currentShares;

if mp[1] <> mp and mp <> 0 then entries = entries + 1;
How to track the number of entries for today.

If the last bar’s mp[1] is not equal to the current bar’s mp then and mp is not equal to zero then we know we have added on another entry.  Okay now let’s think about eliminating the “brute force” approach.

Instead of placing multiple order entry directives I  only want to use one with a variable stop level.  This stop level will be guided by the variable SellMult.  We start the day with a wacky sell stop level and then calculate it based on the SellMult variable and PyramidDistance input.

if low <= sellStop  then
sellMult = sellMult + 1;

sellStop = openD(0) - sellMult * pyramidDistance;
Calculate and adapt sell stop level as we go along.

So on the first bar of the day the sellStop = openD(0) – sellMult * pyramidDistance or sellStop = openD(0) – 1 * 5.  Or 5 handles below the open.  Note you an change the pyramidDistance input and make it three to match the previous examples.

if entries = maxDailyEntries then canSell = false;
if time < sess1EndTime and canSell then sellShort 1 contract next bar at sellStop stop;
if mp <=-1 {and barsSinceEntry > 0} then buyToCover next bar at sellStop + 2* pyramidDistance stop;

That's it! Pretty simple isn't it?

Ok, we need to tell the computer to turn off the ability to place orders if one of two things happens:  1) we have reached the maxDailyEntries or 2) time >= sess1EndTime.    You could make the time to stop entering trades an input as well.  If neither criteria applies then place an order to sellShort at our sellStop level.   If price goes below our sell stop level then we know we have been filled and the new sellStop level needs to be recalculated.  See how we use a calculation to adapt the stop level with a single order placement directive?  This is where the eloquence comes into play.  QED.

Now you code the opposite side and then see if you can make money  (hypothetically speaking of course) with it.  If you think about it, why does this not work.  And the not so obvious reason is that it trades too much.  Other than trading too much it makes perfect sense – buy or sell by taking a nibbles at the market.  If the market takes off then take a big bite.  The execution costs of the nibbles are just way too great.  So we need to think of a filtering process to determine when it is either better to buy or sell or when to trade at all.  Good Luck with this ES [emini S&P ]day trading algorithm!

inputs : pyramidDistance(5),maxDailyEntries(3);
vars: mp(0),icnt(0),sellStop(0),sellMult(0),canSell(true),entries(0);

if d<>d[1] then
canSell = true;
sellMult = 1;
sellStop = -999999;
entries = 0;

mp = marketPosition * currentShares;

if mp[1] <> mp and mp <> 0 then entries = entries + 1;
if mp[1] = -1 and mp[0] = 0 then canSell = false;
if time > 1430 then canSell = false;

if low <= sellStop then
sellMult = sellMult + 1;

sellStop = openD(0) - sellMult * pyramidDistance;
if entries = maxDailyEntries then canSell = false;
if time < sess1EndTime and canSell then sellShort 1 contract next bar at sellStop stop;
if mp <=-1 {and barsSinceEntry > 0} then buyToCover next bar at sellStop + 2* pyramidDistance stop;

Much More Flexible Code

Long Entry Logic and EasyLanguage Code for Pyramiding Algorithm

Sorry for the delay in getting this up on the web.  Here is the flip side of the pyramiding day trade scheme from the buy side perspective.  I simply flipped the rules.  In some cases, to keep the programming a little cleaner I like to keep the buy and sellShort logic in two separate strategies.  So with this chart make sure you insert both strategies.

And here is the code:

vars: mp(0),lastTradePrice(0),canBuy(true);

mp = marketPosition * currentContracts;

if date[0] <> date[1] then
canBuy = true;

if mp = 1 then canBuy = false;
if time > 1430 then canBuy = false;

if mp = 0 and canBuy = true then buy next bar at OpenD(0) + 3 stop;
if mp = 1 then buy next bar at OpenD(0) + 6 stop;
if mp = 2 then buy next bar at OpenD(0) + 9 stop;

if mp = 1 then lastTradePrice = OpenD(0) + 3;
if mp = 2 then lastTradePrice = OpenD(0) + 6;
if mp = 3 then lastTradePrice = OpenD(0) + 9;

if mp <> 0 then sell next bar at lastTradePrice - 3 stop;

if mp = 3 and barsSinceEntry > 0 and highD(0) > lastTradePrice + 3 then sell next bar at highD(0) - 3 stop;

Pyramiding 3 Handles Up and Trailing Stop

EasyLanguage Code for Pyramiding a Day-Trading System w/video [PART-2]


Check out the latest video on Pyramiding.

Here is the finalized tutorial on building the pyramiding ES-day-trade system that was presented in the last post.

I will admit this video should be half as long as the end result.  I get a bit long-winded.  However, I think there are some good pointers that should save you some time when programming a similar system.

EasyLanguage Source:

Here is the final code from the video:

vars: mp(0),lastTradePrice(0),canSell(true);

mp = marketPosition * currentContracts;

if date[0] <> date[1] then
canSell = true; // canSell on every day

if mp = -1 then canSell = false; // one trade on - no more
if time > 1430 then canSell = false; //no entries afte 230 central

if mp = 0 and canSell = true then sellShort next bar at OpenD(0) - 3 stop;

if mp = -1 then sellShort next bar at OpenD(0) - 6 stop; //add 1
if mp = -2 then sellShort next bar at OpenD(0) - 9 stop; //add 2

if mp = -1 then lastTradePrice = OpenD(0) - 3; //keep track of entryPrice
if mp = -2 then lastTradePrice = OpenD(0) - 6;
if mp = -3 then lastTradePrice = OpenD(0) - 9;

if mp <> 0 then buyToCover next bar at lastTradePrice + 3 stop; // 3 handle risk on last trade

// next line provides a threshold prior to engaging trailing stop
if mp = -3 and barsSinceEntry > 0 and lowD(0) < lastTradePrice - 3 then buyToCover next bar at lowD(0) + 3 stop;

EasyLanguage for Pyramiding and Day-Trading ES

What we learned here:

  • can’t use entriesToday(date) to determine last entry price
  • must use logic to not issue an order to execute on the first bar of the next day
  • mp = marketPosition * currentContracts is powerful stuff!

In the next few days, I will publish the long side version of this code and also a more eloquent approach to the programming that will allow for future modifications and flexibility.

Let me know how it works out for you.

Take this code and add some filters to prevent trading every day or a filter to only allow long entries!

Learn to Program Pyramiding Algorithm

Would you like to learn how to do this?  Check back over the next few days and I will show you to do it.  Warning:  its not straightforward as it seems – some tricks are involved.  Remember to sign up for email notifications of new posts.

UPDATE[1]:  I have recorded an introductory webcast on how to program this pyramiding scheme.  This webcast is Part 1 and illustrates how to brainstorm and start thinking/programming about a problem.  Part 1 introduces some concepts that show how you can use and adapt some of EasyLanguage built-in reserved words and functions.  I start from the perspective of a somewhat beginning EasyLanguage programmer  – one that knows enough to maybe not get the problem solved, but at least get the ball rolling.  The final code may not look anything like the code I present in Part 1.  However it is sometimes important to go down the wrong trail so that you can learn the limitations of a programming language.  Once you know the limitations, you can go about programming workarounds and fixes.  I hope you enjoy Part 1  I should have Part 2 up soon.  Don’t be too critical, this is really the first webcast I have recorded.  You’ll notice I repeat myself and I refer  to one function input as a subscript.  Check it out:

Adding positions at fixed intervals.

Utilizing Indicator Functions with Multi-Data on MultiCharts

A good portion of my readers use MultiCharts and the similarities between their PowerLanguage and EasyLanguage is almost indistinguishable.  However, I came across a situation where one my clients was getting different values between an indicator function call and the actual plotted indicator when using Multi-Data.

Here is the code that didn’t seem to work, even though it was programmed correctly in TradeStation.


Value1 = DirMovement( H, L, C , Data1ADXLen, oDMIPlus1, oDMIMinus1, oDMI1, oADX1, oADXR1, oVolty1 ) ;
Value2 = DirMovement( H of data2, L of data2, C of data2, Data2ADXLen, oDMIPlus2, oDMIMinus2, oDMI2, oADX2, oADXR2, oVolty2 );


Pretty simple – so what is the problem.  Data aliasing was utilized in the Vars: section – this keeps the indicator from being calculated on the time frame of data1.  Its only calculated on the data2 time frame – think of data1 being a 5 min. chart and data2 a 30 min. chart.  I discovered that you have to also add data aliasing to not just the variables used in the indicator function but also to the function call itself.  This line of code fixed the problem:

DirMovement( H of data2, L of data2, C of data2, Value2, oDMIPlus2, oDMIMinus2, oDMI2, oADX2, oADXR2, oVolty2 )data2;
Add data2 after the function call to tie it to data2.


See that!  Just add Data2 to the end of the function call.  This verifies in TradeStation and compiles in MC with no problems.


Dynamic Moving Average Cross Over EasyLanguage

I had a request recently to publish the EasyLanguage code for my Dynamic Moving Average system.  This system tries to solve the problem of using an appropriate length moving average that will keep you out of the chop.  The adaptive engine utilizes market volatility and increases moving average lengths as volatility increases and decreases moving average lengths as volatility decreases.  Its had some success, but the adaptive engine has not truly solved the problem.  The logic is pretty straightforward and can be modified to use different types of adaptive engines.

{Dynamic Moving AVerage System by George Pruitt}
{Use volatility to adapt moving average lenghts}
{in hopes to outperform a static parameter set!}

vars: avg1Ceil(23),avg1Floor(9),avg2Ceil(100),avg2Floor(25);

vars: shortMALen(19),longMALen(29);
vars: x1(0),y1(0),x2(0),y2(0),deltaVol1(0),deltaVol2(0);

If barNumber = 1 then
shortMALen = 19;
longMALen = 29;

x1 = Stddev(close,shortMALen);
y1 = Stddev(close[1],shortMALen);

x2 = Stddev(close,longMALen);
y2 = Stddev(close[1],longMALen);

deltaVol1 = (x1-y1)/y1;
deltaVol2 = (x2-y2)/y2;

shortMALen = (1+deltaVol1)*shortMALen;
shortMALen = MaxList(shortMALen,avg1Floor);
shortMALen = MinList(shortMALen,avg1Ceil);
shortMALen = round(shortMALen,0);

longMALen = (1+deltaVol2)*longMALen;
longMALen = MaxList(longMALen,avg2Floor);
longMALen = MinList(longMALen,avg2Ceil);
longMALen = round(longMALen,0);

If average(c,shortMALen) crosses above average(c,longMALen) then buy next bar at open;
If average(c,shortMALen) crosses below average(c,longMALen) then sellshort next bar at open;

Hash Table In EasyLanguage [Part 2]

Using The Hash Table

Now that we have created an empty Hash Table and the Hash Index it is now time to start filling the table up with the appropriate information.  As I pointed out in my last post, every day of any given year can be represented by a nine character string. If January 1st lands on a Tuesday, you can express this day with the following string, “1stTueJan.” That is if you want to ignore the year and in this case, we do.

Mapping Into the Hash Table

The table has already been prepared as well as the index.  All we have to do is map the current day into the index.  The location of the index value in the Hash Index array will then be used to locate the day’s location in the Hash Table.  We will use a function to convert the current day of the year into a value our Hash Index can interpret.

Here is the code to the function.  Don’t fret too much at the number of lines of code!

inputs: testDate(numericSeries);

vars: testMonth(0),tempStr("");
Array : prefixStrArr[6](""),dayofweekStr[5](""),monthName[12]("");
vars: monCnt(0),tueCnt(0),wedCnt(0),thuCnt(0),friCnt(0),tempDate1(0),tempDate2(0);
vars: freshStart(false),occurString(""),dayString(""),monthString("");
vars: whatOccurOfMonthStr(""),cnt(0),td(0),myCnt(0),daysBack(0);

preFixStrArr[1] = "1st";
preFixStrArr[2] = "2nd";
preFixStrArr[3] = "3rd";
preFixStrArr[4] = "4th";
preFixStrArr[5] = "5th";
preFixStrArr[6] = "6th";

dayOfWeekStr[1] = "Mon";
dayOfWeekStr[2] = "Tue";
dayOfWeekStr[3] = "Wed";
dayofWeekStr[4] = "Thu";
dayOfWeekStr[5] = "Fri";

monthName[1] = "Jan";
monthName[2] = "Feb";
monthName[3] = "Mar";
monthName[4] = "Apr";
monthName[5] = "May";
monthName[6] = "Jun";
monthName[7] = "Jul";
monthName[8] = "Aug";
monthName[9] = "Sep";
monthName[10] = "Oct";
monthName[11] = "Nov";
monthName[12] = "Dec";

tempDate1 = month(testDate[0]);
tempDate2 = month(testDate[1]);
cnt = 0;monCnt = 0;tueCnt=0;wedCnt=0;thuCnt=0;friCnt=0;
While (month(date) = month(date[cnt])) and cnt < 30
// print(date," ",date[cnt]," ",cnt);
cnt = cnt + 1;
daysBack = cnt -1;

If daysBack < 0 then daysBack = 0;

For cnt = daysBack downto 0
If dayOfWeek(date[cnt]) = 1 then monCnt = monCnt + 1;
If dayOfWeek(date[cnt]) = 2 then tueCnt = tueCnt + 1;
If dayOfWeek(date[cnt]) = 3 then wedCnt = wedCnt + 1;
If dayOfWeek(date[cnt]) = 4 then thuCnt = thuCnt + 1;
If dayOfWeek(date[cnt]) = 5 then friCnt = friCnt + 1;
//print("counts: ",monCnt," ",tueCnt," ",wedCnt," ",thuCnt," ",friCnt);

If dayOfWeek(date) = Monday then tempStr = preFixStrArr[monCnt];
If dayOfWeek(date) = Tuesday then tempStr = preFixStrArr[tueCnt];
If dayOfWeek(date) = Wednesday then tempStr = preFixStrArr[wedCnt];
If dayOfWeek(date) = Thursday then tempStr = preFixStrArr[thuCnt];
If dayOfWeek(date) = Friday then tempStr = preFixStrArr[friCnt];

tempStr = tempStr + dayOfWeekStr[dayOfWeek(date)];
tempStr = tempStr + monthName[month(date)];
GetWhichWeekMonth = tempStr;
GetWhichWeekMonth Function

Here is where using an integer representation of the date would reduce the number of lines of code tremendously.  Well, I made my bed I might as well sleep in it.  You will see some duplication between this code and the Hash Table creator function.  I have to store names for the week rank, day of the week, and month in arrays.  There isn’t a simple function that will pull the week rank from any given date.  So I simply take the date and work my way back to the beginning of the month counting each weekday as I go along.

For cnt = daysBack downto 0
If dayOfWeek(date[cnt]) = 1 then monCnt = monCnt + 1;
If dayOfWeek(date[cnt]) = 2 then tueCnt = tueCnt + 1;
If dayOfWeek(date[cnt]) = 3 then wedCnt = wedCnt + 1;
If dayOfWeek(date[cnt]) = 4 then thuCnt = thuCnt + 1;
If dayOfWeek(date[cnt]) = 5 then friCnt = friCnt + 1;

Getting The Hash Index

The number that is stored in the individual counters (monCnt, tueCnt, etc.) determines which week of the month the current day is located.  I build the string through concatenation.  First I get the week rank (“1st”, “2nd”, “3rd”, “4th”, “5th”), add the name of the day and then add the month.  The end result looks like “1stMonJan”.  From here I cross-reference the Hash Index and pull out the location of the of the string (aka index.)  Here is the function GetHashIndex.

input: hashIndex[n](stringArrayRef),hashTableRows(numericSimple),searchString(string);
vars: iCnt(0),done(false);

GetHashIndex = 0;
done = false;

For iCnt = 1 to hashTableRows
// print("Looking for: ",searchString," ",hashIndex[iCnt]," ",iCnt);
If searchString = hashIndex[iCnt] then
done = true;
GetHashIndex = iCnt;
If done then break;

As you can see it is a linear search that returns the Hash Index’s Index.  Check out how I prematurely exit the loop by using the keyword Break.  This keyword knocks you out of any loop where it is located.  If you have a nested loop, the break only gets you out of that current loop where it is located.

Hast Table Indicator

Now how can we pull all this together to create a useful trading tool.  I used these tools to create an indicator that plots the average daily change from one day to the next.  So, if today is the “3rdMonJune” and the indicator reads 0.52, this represents that over the last X years the average percentage change is a plus .5%.  Would it make sense to buy the “2ndFriJun” and exit on the close of the “3rdMonJune?”  Maybe.

Here is the code for the Hash Table indicator.

vars: returnValString(""),iCnt(0),jCnt(0); 
array: weekDayMonthIndex[300]("");
array: HashTable[300,100](0);
array: timeLine[300](0);
vars: searchString(""),numYearsCollected(0),hashIndex(0);
vars: yCnt(0),numYears(0);
vars: hashRows(300);
vars: myBarCount(0),maxNumYearsInHash(0),avgDailyChange(0),dailyChangeSum(0);

If barNumber = 1 then //build the hash index - index form "1stMonJul" "2ndFriDec"
Value1 = HashIndexCreator(weekDayMonthIndex);

numYearsCollected = HashTableCreator(HashTable,weekDayMonthIndex); {Build hash table as we go along}

If year(date) <> year(date[1]) then numYears = numYears + 1;

If numYearsCollected > 3 then // only pull information if there is at least three years of data
searchString = GetWhichWeekMonth(date); // convert today's date into a compatible Hash Index value
hashIndex = GetHashIndex(weekDayMonthIndex,hashRows,searchString); // find the location of today's value in the Hash Index
dailyChangeSum = 0;;
// print(d," ",searchString," ",hashIndex);
For yCnt = 2 to numYearsCollected
dailyChangeSum = dailyChangeSum + HashTable[hashIndex,yCnt];
avgDailyChange = dailyChangeSum/numYearsCollected;
if year(date) = 116 then print(d," ",searchString," ",numYearsCollected," ",avgDailyChange);
if numYearsCollected > numYears-1 then plot1(avgDailyChange,"AvgChgFromYesterday");

Results of Using the Hash Table

Here is a simple output of the results from the indicator for the year of 2016.  I sorted the data based on highest average daily change and number of years collected.

1160729 5thFriJul 7 0.95
1161031 5thMonOct 5 0.62
1160115 2ndFriJan 16 0.56
1160830 5thTueAug 7 0.55
1160713 2ndWedJul 17 0.52
1160812 2ndFriAug 17 0.52
1160519 3rdThuMay 16 0.43
1161003 1stMonOct 17 0.38
1160112 2ndTueJan 16 0.38
1160223 4thTueFeb 16 0.38
1161122 4thTueNov 16 0.37
1160804 1stThuAug 17 0.35
1160316 3rdWedMar 16 0.35
1160711 1stMonJul 17 0.34
1161121 3rdMonNov 17 0.34
1160225 4thThuFeb 16 0.34
1160517 3rdTueMay 16 0.34
1160610 2ndFriJun 16 0.34
1161215 3rdThuDec 17 0.33

It looks like the buying the close “4thThuJul” is the way to go!  But since there are only seven observations I think would think twice.  But, buying the close on the day prior to “2ndFriJan” might offer that technical advantage you’re looking for.